Requested: Jumin x Reader ~ Study Date (Pt. 1)

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"Jumin!" You shout slightly exiting the campus building at the prestigious university campus.

You hope to grab his attention before he leaves the campus for the day, something that is a seemingly far off aspiration. He turns to face you on the stairs amidst all the students coming and going around you both. For a moment you stop to catch your breath. It feels as if you have been chasing him forever, even though you know it was only mere moments since economics class was dismissed.

Jumin looks at you with a squinting face that clearly says the morning sun is in his eyes as he turns to see who was calling his name out in the open. He neither looks surprised nor disappointed; he moves his tall frame toward you. You stop and excitedly introduces yourself. This is your chance to finally get a start on the project that was worth 10% of your grade. It wasn't that you were doing poorly, but you knew you needed to work hard to do well.

"Hi, there! I sure am glad Professor Cho teamed us up for the assignment on Proprietary Business Loans..." You walk closer to him to speak

"Really? Why, would that be?" His narrowed eyes didn't relent. Jumin always had the best grades. Did you want to use him to get ahead? Were you lazy? He knew your name, but knew not so much about you personally.

"Why wouldn't I? You are the hardest working guy in the class and..." you mumbled the next part, "everyone knows not bad to look at..." Your eyes darting to the ground, blushing slightly. But you smile cheekily. It was in your nature to be a bit playful.

"Really...?" He says modestly, "I mean about being the hardest working, of course." he chuckles along with you. The gall of you reminds him of some of his friends, immediately disarming him. There is something that is very non-harmful about you to him. So, he continues with the conversation so as not to make you feel uncomfortable; noticing your slight blush. "Well YN, what would you like to do about this assignment? Did you want to work on it separately and amalgamate it together or did you want to meet to work together?"

You are hopeful that the latter of the two would be his preference since you have been admiring him since your first term together in business school.

"I'm open to either." You smile and tilt your head to the side, indicating with your body language your openness.

"Well, experience has shown me that working separately never works well. We should do it together." He says to you with a sheepish grin.

"I work this evening and tomorrow evening but depending on what is too late for you and what you have intended for us to do... I would have no trouble meeting with you afterward if you want. What do you have in mind?"

"Thursday night? Let me see here..." He pulled out his smart phone and fumbled through multiple apps, thinking to himself that he really needed a personal assistant. "Yes I am free. Shall I meet you at your work or at your place or somewhere more general?"

"That would depend on what you are comfortable with! There is an agreeable café downtown that I can meet you at outside my work as soon as I am done around 9 pm. How's that?"

"Sounds agreeable. We will be able to complete our project in a timely manner."

You are relieved and so content to have gotten to stop him. Secretly, you are also hoping you will be able to impress him tomorrow evening. The crush you had on Jumin Han swelled each day you saw in him class. The way his long hair swished back when he tried to get a closer look at the board, the way he didn't speak to anyone unless spoken to. It was enticing.

For the next two days you are so excited that not only do you not stop talking to anyone about your class assignment, but it is all you can think of. You are totally distracted in all your other classes while you play out the series of events in your head. Imagining how Jumin will be dressed and imagining him impressing you with his thoughts and theories of the assignment gets you riled up. You thought about him asking you out for a date and becoming the romantic inclusion in your life you so wanted from him. Call it a crush or call it an obsession; you couldn't get the thoughts out of your head.

Thursday came and went soon enough; you decide on the outfit for the day. It was a quick decision, not one to focus too much on looks. As long as you felt good, you figured you looked good. However, after looking at the clock, you had to hurry. You do not want him there first and you want to look busy in your notes when he arrives. What would be worse than looking bored?

When you arrive at the café you request a booth secluded off to the corner and advise the waitress you are waiting for another person shortly after nine. You order yourself a hot cocoa and sit with your books. Preparing for your assignment partner to arrive, you open your notes, put down your mug and begin a little reading in the dim café light. Your heart pounds with eager anticipation. Glancing up, your heart skips a beat when you finally see him enter the front door.

As Jumin arrives, you pretend not to see him. With your head down studiously on your notes, using only your peripheral vision to admire his tall stature standing in the doorway, you watch him. He is standing with his right hand in his pocket, so confident and handsome. His smile sends butterflies rolling and brings an automatic smile to your face. You cannot hold yourself back from plainly looking at this point; so, you adjust your gaze.

Jumin speaks briefly with the hostess and is directed to the back corner of the café. He walks towards you.

"Look what we have here, a professor-in-training?" He is utterly dashing in his business suit attire, tie and upper button undone. Your heart skips another beat. Why did he always dress like this? You felt so casual now.

"What? Me? No, no! Not me... I do all I can just to get through this course. Need all the help I can get." You shrug.

"Really?" he asks, a little surprised.

"For sure." You respond assuring him. "Doesn't come easy to me like you," you add, hoping to flatter him.

"Well it looks like it does." He says complimenting you, noting that your notes were very accurate.

"Are you going to sit and contribute or what Mr. Future Accountant?" you ask, adding a little saucy tone for good measure, since you couldn't help it.

"That's Mr. Future CEO to you." Unexpectedly, he threw it right back. "Well, I have been thinking about that for the last minute, thinking you're going to be very disappointed with me...I knew we were getting together tonight but in my rush to get to work here I left my things on my desk."

"Oh, okay, well do you want to do this another day?" you felt a little disappointed. How would he ever fall for your charms now?

"No, no. Don't fret." His face wrinkles in dissatisfaction. He hears the disappointment in your voice and it doesn't sit well within him. "We'll enjoy our drinks, then, if you're comfortable, we can go back to my place and go over my part... I don't mean my part in terms of 'I, contribute more to it than you', but... well, you know..." you both share a nervous chuckle.

"Sure, that's good!" You say to him with a smile. Jumins breathes a sigh of relief and sits down briefly.

The waitress brings him his drink. Politely, he asks if you would like a refill. You decline, knowing that you do need to get the project done. You share a nice conversation for the better part of an hour.

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