Jaehee x MC x Zen ~ Happy Birthday

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AN: Quick note, I actually can't quite tell if that's Jaehee because she's so flat-chested in the picture above, but I want it to be, so it is ;P That's all.

Jaehee held you on her lap on the bed as she ran her fingers through your hair and kissed at your neck.

"This is literally my fantasy, you know." She mumbled.

"I know, Jaehee," you giggled back, "That's why it was the perfect birthday present."

"Ahhh, my kitten, it's that time, then?" Zen appeared behind you and sat next to you both, kissing Jaehee on her cheek, causing her to blush deeply.

"Hyun, you're making her nervous!" You stroked his cheek with your thumb.

"No, no, I'll just focus on you for now." Jaehee blushed, but grasped at your waist, continuing to kiss your neck. "Oh, MC, you're absolutely ravishing."

Zen stroked Jaehee's short hair as he watched lovingly. He had been dating only you for a few months now, but when you mentioned your "girl-crush" on Jaehee, he couldn't help but push you to act on it. He was so hard right now. So he began to undress until he was completely bare.

Your own fingers began to wrap around Jaehee's face, directing it towards your own, capturing her lips with your own.

They're so soft. You thought to yourself as you began to explore and enjoy the taste. The lightest mint taste played on your taste buds as your tongue prodded her mouth.

Zen licked his lips and began to unbutton your shirt for you, sliding it off of your body. And then, he did the same for Jaehee. However, being more comfortable with touching you and your body, he began with kissing your neck, groping at your breasts from behind your back.

What surprised you however, was Jaehee's hand, slipping up your skirt, touching your hot core. Gasping, you broke the kiss and leaned back into Zen's strong arms.

"Do you like that, MC?" He purred in your ear before speaking up. "Touch her more, Jaehee. Go ahead. I'll pull her into my lap and you can make her cum all over me. I don't mind."

"A-Alright, Zen. Hold her and I'll touch her." Jaehee blushed again. "And... And I might touch you too."

"Oh, please do, Jaehee." Zen gave her a wicked smile as he sat back on the bed, holding you on his lap and positioning you so that his erect dick blocked the view of your glistening folds.

"Hyun, honey," You turned your mouth so that it graced his strong jaw. "She can't lick my pussy with your big, hard cock in the way."

Zen bit his lip and took a deep breath.

"She'll find a way around, won't you Jaehee?" Zen smiled as Jaehee's face drew close to both his dick and your core.

She nodded and began her love assault.

Grasping the large member in front of her, she rubbed up and down the length, licking to provide lubrication.

Zen moaned out loud as he used his own fingers to pleasure you, rubbing your labia and spreading your wetness onto his own dick to assist Jaehee's hands.

After a few minutes of licking and rubbing she pulled her body upwards and looked into your eyes.

"I hope you don't mind if I use your boyfriend's body... it's the only way I can think of to keep him out of the way." She whispered as she grabbed a condom from the side table.

Zen took it from her and hastily opened it, pinching the tip and rolling it all the way to the base, smoothing it out and ensuring there was no air bubbles.

"Go ahead, Jaehee, but I hope you don't forget about me." You giggled as she lowered herself onto Zen's body and connected her lips to yours once again.

"Oh, wow..." Zen groaned in pleasure, holding both of your breasts, teasing and pinching your nipples erotically as he closed his eyes, moaning out loud whenever she thrust downward onto him.

And Jaehee's fingers swiftly found their way inside of your already moistened body. They were so slender and gently compared to Zen's and you were quickly brought to a very high place by their skillful work within your body. As she stroked the inner cavern of your body with her index, middle and ring fingers, her thumb playfully tapped at your pleasure button at ever thrust of her and Zen's hips.

It was almost as if your moans were synchronized, giving the illusion that everything was much louder than it truly was. But it was definitely a pleasurable experience and as Zen's thrusts became more powerful, that lead to Jaehee's becoming less controlled, which meant your walls clenched harder on her fingers and more juices spilled onto Zen's lap, turning him on even more that before even fifteen minutes had gone by, he couldn't take it anymore.

"I'm... I'm cumming! Mmm! Oh!" Zen held your body close to his as you held Jaehee's hips down and came all over Zen's lap. Jaehee couldn't help but finish her own orgasm as well from all the pleasure exploding around her.

Everyone relaxed all in one breath.

"Happy... birthday... Jaehee..." You panted with a smile.

"Yeah..." She gave you a huge smile. "It was..."

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