Requested: Crossdressing!707 x Hacker!Reader~ Blackmail (Pt. 2)

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Mouths dropped as he walked by. Seven told himself it was because he was drop dead gorgeous. Not because he was very obviously crossdressing, in a maid's outfit nonetheless. But either way, his face was absolutely bright red and his dick was hard as a rock, sticking out of his panties again.

He walked as quickly as he could to the designated cafe, sat at a booth in the back and buried his face in a menu.

"Well, aren't you a good little maid? I think I've commissioned just a naughty little crossdresser such as yourself."

Seven smacked his menu down in disbelief as he mouth hung open and he looked up.

"No. YN?" He shook his head. "You're kidding."

You laughed as Seven smiled and laughed back, relieved at the whole experience. There was no crazy hacker out to ruin his life. It was his kinky friend. His fuck buddy. Who happened to apparently be a pretty solid hacker as well.

"You've been skipping out meet-ups for the last few months. Working too hard? I figured I'd force you to come out to play. Don't tell me that you don't like it, even just a bit." You slid into the booth next to him.

"You tell me." He took your hand and guided it up his skirt.

"Leaking already, hmm?" You tapped the tip of his dick, a string of cum sticking between your index finger and his tip. "Naughty maid. I think I'll have to make you apologize for how lewd you're being."

"Right here?" Seven raised an eyebrow at you. He wasn't normally into public sex but...

"No. I live about a block away. If you can stomach the humiliation, I think we can walk. That is, unless you want to go all the way back to your place." You winked.

"Stand up. Let's go." Seven pushed you out of the booth and quickly hurried you on your way. He was ready to go. Clearly.

"Alright, alright!" You laughed. "This way!"

It took less than five minutes to get to your apartment, and before you could even close the door behind you, Seven was looming over you, whispering in your ear.

"You love being dominated by a man in a dress, don't you?" He began his little spiel. "Touch my dick through my panties, YN."

"Yes, my little maid." You giggled. That was the whole fun of it. The role-confusion lightened the entire mood for you, making sex all the more fun. After all, what could be more stress free than sex with a man, in a dress, who was still doing all the hard work?

Using both hands, you worked up and down his large member, most of it sticking out of the sheer black fabric now.

"You need bigger panties, Sev." You commented, as he laid his arms above your head on the door. "You never fit in them! Even when you're soft, you hardly fit."

"But my ass looks so good in a medium!" He laughed as he rolled his hips into your hands with every thrust.

"So where are we fucking, darling?" You asked with a twinkle in your eye. "Or should I say, where are you fucking me? Because I will certainly do none of the work."

"Leave it all to your cute maid, gorgeous." Seven winked at you as he hoisted you into the air and carried you to the first available steady surface: the kitchen counter.

He pushed his panties down as far as they would go and swiftly undressed your lower half as well.

"Your battery power is low! If you don't plug in your computer soon, it will automatically hibernate!" Seven repeated the error message you had forced onto his computer earlier in the day.

"Plug me in! Plug me in!" You screamed with joy, a huge smile on your face.

And in his best hacker voice, as he plunged inside of you, Seven relayed the message:

"I'm in!"

You couldn't help but laugh as you wrapped your legs around his body, which was now thrusting into you rhythmically. Your head swam as endorphins rushed your brain. Everything was so much fun with Seven, all the time. And he felt the same about you.

"Oh, YN! YN! You've hacked the mainframe!" He cried out.

"Seven, I love your Python!" Your coding jokes made you laugh harder, as each thrust brought you closer to orgasm.

You pulled his hair to bring him closer, and he connected his lips to yours. Truth be told, he had missed having fun with you too.

As your walls clenched around him, the lightning bolt of orgasm raced from your throbbing nether regions up to your neurons in your brain. This triggered a chain reaction in Seven causing him to swiftly and at the last second, pull out and release his excitement all over your shirt: his favorite part.

"Look how much there is!" He exclaimed as he laid you down on the counter. "Let me take your picture! It has to go in the file with all the others!"

"It's probably from all the public humiliation today." You noted, panting and laying on the counter, spreadeagled. "I know you like it, you pervert."

"I'm a horrible pervert." Seven smiled. "And your picture is going in my horrible pervert collection to jack off to later."

"Or!" You smiled as he clicked his camera on his phone. "You could just come over and do it again. You know where I live now."

"Yeah, but I'm so busy. Sometimes it's easier just to jerk it." He shrugged as he appropriately encrypted and sorted the new photo.

"So you're asking me to hack you again, is that it?" You giggled.

"You little...!"

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