Requested: Jumin x Reader x Saeran ~ Double Domestic Discipline & Domination

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It was another evening for me, locked up in the Han mansion. Jumin sat up on his knees and scooped his hands under my arms and butt, lifting me with ease. To my surprise he turned me and set me down straddling Saeran. Jumin kept his hands under my arms, wrapping them around me and gently caressing the soft flesh of my breasts, as Saeran lifted his hands and tentatively put them on my thighs, and I laid my hands on top of them. I could feel his strain to behave, to not move faster than Jumin wanted. He was letting Jumin call the shots.

Jumin leaned in behind me. His chest pressing against my back so I could feel his heat, as he kissed my neck and made me moan before bringing his growling whisper to my ear, loud enough for Saeran to share in his words.

"Now, my Kitten, we're share you properly tonight, and you submit fully to both Daddy and Master for as long as we want to play with you. We will fuck you together or one at a time, but you will serve us and let us use your body all night and into tomorrow if needed."

I was moaning, suddenly aware of Saeran's hands moving to caress the outside of my legs as Jumin licked the side of my neck by my ear. I shivered at the combination of sensations, as Jumin continued his dark descriptions of his plans for the night.

"Anytime either of us wakes up, we will use you however we want until we cum again and need to rest. Until we can't get it up or your safe word, whichever comes first."

Jumin's hands played across my nipples and I moaned against him.

"Any objections, Saeran?" he asked politely.

I looked up into Saeran's eyes and saw that they had gone completely dark with lust. Jumin had been teaching him to be more dominant. It suited him so well.

"None whatsoever. I'll be happy to help you push her to her safe word. Or I'll wear myself out trying."

Jumin grabbed my hair, holding my head still as he licked up the side of my neck again, making me shiver.

"Good. Then take her. Claim her the way I know you've wanted to. I want to watch as you make her fully yours. No restrictions tonight, except that we all stay together."

Saeran placed his hand in my hair, taking possession of my head from Jumin. Jumin's hands left my chest as he moved to sit back for a moment, giving us a chance to surrender to our need for each other now that we had permission. I looked into Saeran's eyes and melted. The darkness was still there, but along with it was a look of desire beyond what he'd let me see before. It was vulnerable and emotional. It was what I had seen flash through his eyes before. His desire to claim me not only as a submissive, but as a lover.

He held my head gently, as he leaned in towards me. Everything felt like it stopped as I waited for the moment I had only dared to dream of. Finally, I felt his soft lips gently touching mine, and all the emotions from the last two weeks exploded in my brain. His kiss started out slow and loving, and I could feel his emotions pouring into me as he kissed me lightly but passionately. I melted in his embrace, riding the cataclysmic wave of our need for each other. It didn't take long before I felt the shift as his dominant side started to take over.

He fisted his hands in my hair, making me burn with desire as his kiss became more urgent. His tongue pushed its way through my lips, and I groaned as I felt it slide against mine, silently promising so much more. As our initial moment of need and passion melded into lust, Jumin started kissing the back of my neck and his hands returned to toy with my nipples.

Saeran broke the kiss, leaving me moaning and whimpering as his mouth headed to my collar bone. The two men worked seamlessly together, as if they could read each other's thoughts. Jumin squeezed my breasts and offered them to Saeran, who licked and sucked them mercilessly while Jumin continued to assault my neck. I was writhing in Saeran's lap, and I was painfully aware of his erection trapped between us.

As I rocked against it, Saeran claimed my mouth once more before pulling me off his lap and laying me on my back in front of him, guiding my arms up above my head. Jumin gave him room, and then used his strong arms to pin mine in place, and I looked up to see Saeran's eyes devouring my body, memorizing exactly how I looked right now.

"Please." My voice sounded desperate, when it came out. Small and soft and needy. I sighed as I looked up at him, begging with my very being for him to take this final step.

He knelt forward between my legs and I arched my body up to meet him. To my surprise, he pulled back a little, tightening his grip on my hands as he pressed his other hand to my hip to keep me still. His fingers dug into my skin, and I moaned at the denial, and the storm of desire that was in anguish as it begged to be sated.

"Don't get greedy on me now, little one. I plan to claim you, but if you try to take the lead again, we'll have to pause for some discipline."

I stilled my hips, keeping my eyes on his and silently promising to be good for my Master. I moaned loudly as he placed his cock right at my entrance, moving the hand from my hip and laying down to trap me under his body. He looked at Jumin one more time and then plunged himself into my core.

I came immediately, screaming my release, my body reacting to the awareness of being filled and claimed by my Daddy.

Saeran started a slow rhythm with his hips, as he looked me right in the eyes, drinking in my lust and desire. "You're supposed to ask before you do that. I think we can let it go for now, but we'll punish you later. I'm thinking for the duration of your Daddy's scene, you can cum as much as you want, but there will be consequences that will increase in severity for every orgasm. Do my terms seem fair, Jumin?" Saeran never had to call him Daddy. In fact, the two hardly interacted besides to share me.

Saeran continued slowly using my pussy, making us both groan every time he pushed all the way in. Feeling his strong body above mine and his thick cock stretching my channel, I struggled to keep my hips still, and fought the urge to rise to meet every stroke. My Daddy and Master discussed my punishments as if I wasn't there, and I sighed contentedly as my submission felt complete with the three of us together.

"Sounds more than fair to me. Now it's a challenge to see how many times we can make her cum when she's trying not to."

Jumin's words hit me hard, and he stuffed two fingers into my mouth at the same time as Saeran slammed into my cervix. I screamed again, bucking as my body orgasmed, my voice muffled slightly by Jumin's fingers as Saeran laughed between his increasingly labored breaths.

"It's almost too easy. It's such a treat to finally feel her on my cock."

Saeran pulled out, leaving me panting after his cock and whimpering at my emptiness. Jumin released my arms and adjusted his position. The two quickly flipped me, placing me on all fours, and Saeran tugged my hips back into position as Jumin's erection was suddenly in front of my waiting mouth.

"I think it's time to show your Daddy how much your skills have improved. Not to mention I think I deserve to know how grateful you are for what I'm allowing. And as it so happens, this is my favorite way to claim my subs anyway. It lets me go deep and really make you scream. Now suck it."

Jumin's hands were in my hair and he guided his cock into my waiting mouth. Once it was in, I felt Saeran plunge all the way back into my pussy and slam into my cervix. I screamed loudly around Jumin, making him moan as the vibrations rocked through him.

"She can show me her new tricks later. For now, I just want to use my toy. Feel free to make her scream as much as possible, it feels divine on my cock when she does."

Jumin pushed easily into my throat and started a rhythm. He stayed in my throat, moving in and out gently until I started fighting for air, and then he'd do a few shallow strokes in my mouth to let me catch my breath.

Saeran worked himself in and out of my pussy, keeping one hand on my hip to control my position as he rocked in and out. He saved the strongest thrusts for when Jumin had let me breathe and was pushing himself back into my throat. His timing meant I always had a full breath before I screamed around Jumin's cock before having my air cut off as he pushed himself back in.

As Jumin started breathing more erratically, Saeran picked up his speed and strength, pounding into me without abandon.

"I have had nothing but hand jobs and blow jobs since we made our agreement. I am going to enjoy filling your pussy with everything I have ready."

As Saeran spoke, Jumin's fiery juices slid down the back of my throat. His orgasm and Saeran's words threw me screaming off the precipice again, and as my pussy contracted strongly around him, Saeran finally let go of his load, and I felt his hot cum bathe my inner walls and squirt down my channel. His huge load triggered another orgasm from me, and before I could stop it I was arching and moaning, my entire body combusting with sensation as he helped me ride out the wave.

As I came down from my last orgasm, Saeran slid out of my pussy, and Jumin rolled me in his arms so my head was resting on his upper leg and my torso was between his thighs. Saeran stuck two fingers deep into my pussy and flicked them, as Jumin grabbed my shoulders and restrained my movement.

The two of them didn't let me rest. Unlike a normal scene where now would have been the time to clean up or cuddle, they had promised they were going to use me until they ran out of energy or I did.

They were clearly recharging, but they kept their hands roaming over my skin, teasing at my nipples and my wet slit.

"So, my Kitten, so many already and that was only round one. Your Master and I will have to come up with a very creative punishment for all of your orgasms tonight. It's like you forgot everything I taught you about holding them back."

I smiled at him as he pinched my nipples hard. I wasn't ready to tell him yet that I couldn't stop myself from cumming around his cock the first time I got it, but I would tell him eventually. In either case, how I was feeling right now was worth whatever punishment they agreed on.

"Maybe she needs a little warm up. A down payment on the punishment she'll have to endure later. I've been missing that tight little asshole of hers, especially after watching some of the videos. Let's keep her on her back and you can abuse her tits while I fuck her ass. By the time I'm done and you're done spanking her, I'm pretty sure you'll have another load ready to go."

The sadism flashed in Saeran's eyes and he went to the dresser momentarily before returning with a short crop.

He helped Jumin spin me so my legs were draped over Jumin's before pausing for a moment.

"May I restrain her for us? It will only take a moment and will definitely help with our goals."

They shared an evil grin and Jumin nodded sending Saeran running for some cuffs. He cuffed my legs and grabbed hidden hooks from the ceiling that were on a recoiling steel cable. He clipped my feet quickly, the direction of the cables pulling them up and open.

Jumin admired my body, now perfectly positioned to accept him, as Master Saeran cuffed my wrists and attached them to either side of the bed, pulling them wide and making it impossible for me to fend off his blows.

He leaned in close, caressing my nipple with his hand as he whispered in my ear.

"Helpless in front of me again. And I have my favorite little crop. I had a great time with your ass earlier, but those tits look far too... ignored for my tastes. I expect you will beg me to stop before I'm done."

The two of them had learned quickly that these dark whispers in my ear were like kryptonite to me, and I moaned as I squirmed in the very secure restraints.

Saeran waited patiently as Jumin lined up with my tiny rosebud. Saeran leaned in close again.

"I've been spending so much time behind you with toys recently, I haven't always had the chance to watch your face. I especially love watching the moment a hard dick pushes into a sub's little ass. Even if it's mostly pleasure, there's always a flicker of pain if you pay attention."

I felt Jumin breach my body, and I moaned as I expanded to take him. After being fucked earlier, it was already warmed up, and Saeran's earlier load of cum made the path nice and slick as Jumin pressed all the way in. He quickly worked his way to a steady rhythm, but I could tell he was holding back for now.

"So many orgasms... I'm thinking it's time for your punishment." Saeran growled.

I moaned and panted as Jumin fucked my ass a little harder and I tried to imagine any way to escape from what was headed my way other than my safe word. I wasn't there yet. I tried to nod at Saeran, but he was looking at Jumin.

"Sounds fair to me."

Saeran swatted each breast once, avoiding my nipples but hitting the soft flesh hard enough to mark. He then rained several quick strikes on them. They were already feeling warm and I moaned loudly when he stopped.

"Tell me you want more, little kitty. Tell me my suggestion is what you want. Beg me to use my crop to make your tits hot and red and to punish those naughty nipples."

Jumin seated himself fully and stopped thrusting as I gave Saeran everything he asked for.

"Please Master, I want to be punished. I want you to make my tits red and hot and I want you to hurt my nipples. Please punish your naughty kitty."

"As you wish."

He started fast out of the gate and I lost track immediately. All I knew was the fire in my chest as he kept the strokes fast and light, whipping each breast with mini lightning strikes as the crop danced across my flesh. Heat and pain lanced through me, and I cried out as my sadistic Master reveled in my reaction. Once they were burning everywhere, he increased the strength of his swing and allowed the crop to bite into my skin more before pulling it back. He struck in a pattern around the outside spiraling in.

As Saeran tortured my chest, my first Master picked up speed and strength, riding my ass hard. Jumin took full advantage of my distraction, holding my hips so he could slam himself against me. The combination of feelings was overwhelming, and I could feel another orgasm building fast.

"Tell your Daddy to claim you. Tell him to destroy it. Tell him how badly you want to feel his cum fill you up."

Saeran didn't show any signs of relenting with the crop, and as he continued his onslaught I begged Jumin as he'd asked.

"Use me, Daddy, please. Pound me. Destroy me. Claim me. And please, Daddy, please fill me with your juices."

Jumin pounded me hard, and my body arched against his thrusts. I couldn't move much in my restraints, but my body fought for every additional centimeter it could take him. I was moaning hard as my body reacted to the stimulation of the crop, and the nonstop pounding.

"Cum again for us, kitten. Give us an excuse to punish you further."

Saeran slapped my tits again hard and my body exploded, squeezing around Jumin's cock like a vice. He grunted loudly as he filled my ass with more cum, and I thrashed in my bonds as Saeran kept up the occasional flick to my chest, pushing my orgasm to last a little longer.

Finally, they both stopped, and I sagged against the bed.

"Just because I told you to cum that last time, it doesn't change that you will be punished for doing it."

I was breathing hard as I looked up at Saeran still holding the crop.

"Yes, Master."

Jumin slid himself out and went to wash up before returning a moment later. He crawled into bed, leaning on a stack of pillows with his back propped up and his arms behind his head looking extremely satisfied. As Saeran let me loose, I crawled into his arms laying sideways on his chest, and hummed contentedly as Saeran slid in behind me. His hand reached through my legs from the back and his fingers teased at my slit.

"No coming down just yet. I still have at least another round in me before I'll need sleep and I'm expecting your Daddy does too. I think we should keep you fired up and when we're both ready we should take you together again."

I moaned as his fingers brushed my clit.

"Yes, please Master, I would like that."

Jumin teased at my sore nipples, making me arch towards him. And placed one of my hands on his cock to feel it already coming back to life.

"You can straddle my hips and ride my dick while Saeran uses you once more. And then we sleep but expect to be woken up. I plan to use you several more times before morning."

"Yes, Daddy, please. Take me together. I want to feel you both inside me together again and know it's you. Know it's both of you." I rolled slightly back towards Saeran as I said it, reaching my hand to caress his cheek. He caught it in his and laid a kiss on my palm, and I felt my heart flutter at the light, romantic gesture.

I looked back at Jumin as he tilted my chin up, starting a slow, passionate kiss, claiming my mouth. He continued toying with my nipples lightly. They were sore, but so sensitive. Saeran leaned in and started laying gentle kisses along my neck and shoulder. He bent my top leg and placed my foot flat on the bed, giving his fingers access to continue teasing my pussy while his mouth tormented the most sensitive parts of my neck.

The combination was intoxicating, and I was moaning loudly and panting between them in no time. Saeran's fingers were soaked with my fluids.

"Time to mount your Master. I am looking forward to taking you again and hearing how we make you fall apart between us."

I hoped for nothing less.

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