Seven x Reader x Yoosung ~ Never Have I Ever (pt. 2)

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Yoosung whipped his shirt off and shimmied his pants and boxers completely off. You were in awe of the sight in front of you, your face on fire from the sight of a naked Yoosung. Seven however, wasn't phased at all. He pulled his shirt off, revealing abs even more chiseled than you had previously thought they were.

"Don't drool, MC." Seven winked at you. "Not yet." He sat up on his knees and freed himself from his pants and underwear as well.

"Are you bigger than me, Sevs?" Yoosung's drunk voice questioned. You felt the steam blow out of your ears.

"I don't know, Yoosung, why don't you come find out?" Seven's face gave away how much he wanted this.

Yoosung crawled over and stood on his knees as well, right in front of Seven. Without any hesitation, the blonde grabbed both Seven and his own dick and held them together.

"Uh, I dunno, MC could you tell us?" He looked over towards you.

Your face lit up so much that you thought you'd pass out. But instead, you crawled over and sat right next to the boys.

"They... they look the same..." You whispered.

Seven's mouth reconnected with Yoosung's as their hips ground against each other. Seven's hands pulled Yoosung closer. But his eyes were open and they were looking at you. As you bit your lip, you fiddled with your hands, unsure of what to do.

"Don't be jealous, MC. I'll give you some love too~" Seven released Yoosung, who fell backwards a bit and he crawled over towards you, looming over you and forcing you to lay down beneath him. Much more gently than you expected, his lips caressed your own as he lightly rubbed your leg with his exposed dick.

"Ahh~ Ahhhhh~" You moaned out lightly. "It... it almost tickles."

"Yoosung, what part of MC would you prefer?" Seven looked over at him devilishly.

"I'd like the va-gin-ahhh but I uh wouldn't mind her mouth either, guess." Still drunk, he wandered over closer to your face as Seven teased your entrance. "Could you suck me off, MC? I always wanted you to."

So blunt... how can I say no? You thought to yourself.

"I think I'd have to... flip over..." You gave consent as you blushed.

Sevens hands quickly wrapped around your body and lifted you up.

"Thanks, Yoosung, for being so agreeable. You know how much I like pussy~" Seven growled playfully as he grabbed a condom from his pants that laid next to him. Clearly he had anticipated this. "Are you ready for me MC? I know you're gonna be a tight little virgin, so I'll be extra gentle!"

"I... I guess so!" You tried to appear chipper as you eyed Yoosung's cock in front of you.

"Open up, MC!" Yoosung cheered as he presented you with his member in his hand.

"It's not gonna all fit, I don't think." You eyed it suspiciously.

"S'okay, MC, just try your bezt!" His member touched your lips gently, causing you to open your mouth wide. As he fit some of it inside, you thought you heard him sigh. It wasn't long until he had a steady rhythm going in your mouth.

"Oh my, MC, you're already so wet! I'll be able to slide right in." And slide in he did. Seven's dick fit so well into your body that you almost wondered if your body was made for this.

Your moans vibrated Yoosung's dick, causing him to lean back and thrust harder into your mouth.

Seven was on another level of ecstasy. He had fantasized about this for so long, and now he was finally getting it.

And you? You couldn't have been happier.

It took only a few minutes of thrusting and moaning before you felt a salty fluid slide down your throat.

"Sorry, MC, I couldn't help it!" Yoosung held your face in his hand. "The look on Sevvy's face while he fucks you was so hot and your tongue felt so good!"

"Fuck! Fuck!" Seven yelled out. "Keep talking Yoosung! You too, MC!"

But you could hardly speak.

"Oh, God Seven! You're... You're so big!" You yelled out.

"Yeah, Sev's as big as me. Thaz why I like it when he touches our dicks together." He lifted you up by the chest and held you in place as Seven's cock penetrated deep inside your body. As Yoosung's tongue found it's way inside your mouth you couldn't help what happened next;

You came all over Seven's lap and in return he shot his fluids into the condom inside of you.

"Never have I ever... come so hard." Seven held you tightly as he spoke.

And everyone agreed.

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