Requested: Seven x MC x Jumin ~ I'll Share (Pt. 2)

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"Let's find out." Jumin's deep voice made you quiver in anticipation. You'd certainly been shared before but definitely not by two men in your pussy at once. But you were throbbing to find out how it would feel.

Suddenly, Jumin had you in his arms.

"I'll take care of you, MC, my dearest. You let me know if anything hurts at all. You still keep all your goodies in your table, right? I wasn't on my business trip too long, I hope." He held you close as he walked to the bedside table rummaging for exactly what he was looking for. "Ah yes. Here."

Lubrication of course. Absolutely necessary for such a feat.

"Front or back, Luciel?" Jumin asked.

"Front. It's like the top. And I'm always a top." He snickered as he undressed.

"Then I shall hold you close, love. Are you ready to undress from your tantalizing new outfit?"

"If I must do it, meow!" You giggled.

Both men's faces flushed red with desire. Jumin set you on the bed as Seven crawled onto it to began to play with your body. His lips tickled your own as he untied the sides of your thong and he began stroking the hot crease between your legs.

You rolled your tongue, emulating a purr for him as you rubbed your body against him.

"Sorry, love, I'm just going to have to put it in, okay?" Seven's voice had lost the playfulness it normally had and it was deep and dark. Your hand wrapped around the back of his neck and drew his warm head closer. You held his hand move down towards his member as he guided it towards your core. Seven loved role play and costumes but he could hardly stand foreplay. Jumin on the other hand, normally lavished you.

"Such a boar, Luciel, how do you expect her to accomodate two men as large as us with so little preparation?" Jumin shook his head as he rubbed his own cock up and down with the silicone lubricant.

But Seven was gone in his own pleasure, moaning in your ear, muttering sweet nothings as he tried to go slowly inside of you.

"Luciel..." You moaned as well, always happy with Seven's dick by itself, "Jumin asked you a question."

"Jumin, shut the fuck up and rub your cock against mine inside of MC for Christ's sake." Seven's head lolled back as his body continued to thrust upward as he pushed inside of you while you both stood on your knees on the bed.

"Monstrous..." Jumin whispered in your ear. "But I can't help but oblige him. Please, MC, tell me everything you feel."

Jumin's own member found its way to your stretched entrance and you swore there would be no room, but as his tip began to prod around, you found your body to be more accommodating than you first thought.

"I-I... I can take you too, Jumi~ Oh, Oh God, Oh!" You cried out as your body opened up further and you felt him slip fully into you "I've never felt like this before!"

"Christ! Me neither!" Seven's pace increased, the friction turning him on exponentially.

Jumin's voice was quieter, seemingly speaker only to you.

"Tell me you love it, MC. Tell me how you feel."

"You feel great. Both of you. I love you both inside of me at once! I can feel you rubbing against me and against each other! Ah! Ah!" They lured you to an orgasm within seconds, and then a second, even more powerful one followed quickly after that.

"You'll have to be more frugal with those, my love." Jumin wrapped his arms tightly around you. "I'm afraid Luciel and I have much more in store for you tonight."

"We'll take care of you, MC. Don't worry about anything at all." Seven kissed you.

And with that, you let your mind go blank.

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