Requested: Submissive!Jumin x Prostitute!Dominant!Reader ~ The Humiliation

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AN: This is now its own story! Find Power (Jumin Han x Reader) in my library! This lemon will be included later in the book, I just don't have the heart to take it out of here.

"Would this amount suffice for this evening?" Jumin handed you cash, which you graciously accepted as you counted it out inside the penthouse suite of the hotel. It was a lot. More than usual. That meant he was either having a bad day, or he was going to ask for something out of the usual.

"It's an awful lot, Mr. Han." You hadn't begun the actual transaction yet and so you remembered to address him formally.

"Please, can't you just call me Jumin? It's been months." He sighed as he loosened his tie. "I... I had a difficult day with my friends. Or whatever they refer to themselves when it involves me. Acquaintances or whatnot. They don't understand my humor or my circumstances."

You tried to hand him back some money, but Jumin politely refused and so with a shrug, you placed it in your purse and then set your purse on the table. You wore a sexy, yet conservative black dress with stiletto heels. Jumin had on a white button up, black tie and black slacks. The tie, however had just come off and was handed to you.

"Alright Jumin Han," Your demeanor suddenly changed, forcing yourself to get into character quickly. "Get on your hand and knees and be my foot rest for me."

You slunk over sexily to the chair by the bed and sat down huffily, placing your feet up in the air. Dutifully, Jumin rushed over and assumed the position as a foot rest, not making a sound and looking up at you with desperate eyes.

"What are you looking at me for? You deserve this. You think you're funny, right? Maybe if I took pictures of you like this and sent them to your friends, then they might laugh at you. Would you like that Jumin?" You cocked an eye brow at him.

"No!" He frowned as he protested.

"Eh!" You made a buzzing noise and pushed the sharp heel gently into Jumin's strong ribcage. "No, ma'am. And just for that," You reached for your purse and grabbed your phone. "Say cheese, bitch."

Jumin blushed and hid his face as you took photos of him as your foot rest, humiliated.

Then, you laughed as you looked through them, showing him the best ones.

"God, who would have thought a CEO like you could be just a lousy piece of furniture?" You berated him further. "You're not even very good at being a foot rest.  Try being a masseuse. I need my poor, aching feet rubbed."

Jumin practically jumped at the opportunity. He sat back on the carpet and took one of your feet in his hands. Gently, he took the expensive stiletto off of your foot. He had bought the shoes for you and knew just how expensive they were. Then, he began rubbing your barefoot.

"Compliment them." You demanded, looking down at him demeaningly.

"You have beautiful feet, YN, my lady. I am blessed to be able to touch them. I am so happy to be allowed to touch them." His deep voice rumbled.

"Kiss them." You demanded again.

His lips connected to your toes immediately. Jumin was a great submissive.

And then he repeated it again on the other foot.

"Mm. Acceptable, I suppose, for an amateur like you." You scoffed, careful not to give him too much praise. "But I'm bored. You're boring me, Jumin Han. You should try to be more interesting. Don't you have something to show me?"

"I have a good cock for you." Jumin jumped at the chance.

"But do you really?" You sighed and twirled your hair. "I would hate to be disappointed by a footrest like you. Especially when I'm dying for something to do."

"Please, madam, let me please you." Jumin begged, looking at you with a yearning look.

"Beg harder." You narrowed your eyes at him.

"Please, please, YN, I want to please you." He dropped to the floor, bowing before you. You placed your feet on his head. "I need you."

"That's right, you do." You smiled, knowing that he couldn't see you. You cared deeply for Jumin of course, but you wanted to stick to exactly how he liked his roleplay. "Get on the bed and take your dick out for me. And it better be hard."

But you knew you didn't have to worry about that. He was normally hard the entire time he was with you. But you didn't move your feet. So Jumin didn't move.


"Yes, lowly stool?" You laughed at him.

"May I please go to the bed for you?" He asked politely.

"Oh, fine. I guess simply because you asked like a good piece of furniture." You lifted your feet off of him and tucked them beneath your body, trying to wipe the smile off your face. You were excited to make love with Jumin; he was particularly skilled.

And he was excited as well; as an extremely expensive escort, you were also skilled.

As he undressed and laid on the bed, you strolled over towards him.

"Are you going to bore me? Be like a mattress beneath me?" You berated him as you unzipped your dress and crawled onto the bed.

"Never, YN, my lady." He breathed out. "I will always do my best to please you. But I might put you to sleep in a different way than a mattress might."

You paused and caressed his face before laughing briefly, your face crinkling into a smile; breaking character.

"How couldn't they understand your humor? You are so funny, Jumin." You caressed his cheek as you swung your leg over his pelvis. You let his face relax into your hand and watched his lips smile before you naturally fell back into the role. "Now please me."

You sat yourself atop his hot cock with a sharp exhale. Jumin quickly began his own pace, rolling his hips into you from below, guiding your hips into him.

For a few minutes, you and him simply enjoyed the connection; relishing your time together. But soon enough, his chest was heaving and moans began to leave his mouth.

"YN..." Your name left his lips. "Oh, YN..."

"Jumin..." You placed a hand on his chest, responding back.

"Talk to me, please." He looked at you desperately.

"You're overrated, Jumin Han." You scoffed at him with a pleasure-ridden voice. "Spoiled rotten and soft."

"No. No, I'm hard. Can't you feel it?" He moaned and thrust harder into you.

"Shut up, you child." You covered his mouth with your hand. "No one wants to hear you talk here. I just want your cock and your cum. Give it to me! Give it to me, Jumin!"

"Mmmm!" Jumin's eyes rolled back in his head as his cum shot into you so hard that you felt it splatter within you.

You rolled your hips over and over and over on top of him until your own fluids washed over the man beneath you. And after a moment of rest, you swung your leg off of him. 

Ring, ring, ring. Your phone went off; another client likely.

You leaned over and grabbed it quickly, sitting on the bed, leaning over to read the message. Gently, however, you felt Jumin's hand and head lay lightly against your back.

"Whatever they're offering you, I'll pay double." Jumin whispered.

"Mr. Han..." You whispered back.

"Please, call me Jumin." His fingers caressed your back, relaxingly. "I just want to spend more time with you. Normal time. Please?"

You swallowed. The answer should have been no. The rule was never to get attached. But you couldn't help it with him.

"You don't have to pay double Jumin." You set your phone down and turned to him.

He pulled you into his arms and laid your head on his chest.

"I enjoy spending time with you." You admitted to the CEO.

And I love you. He thought to himself.

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