Requested: Jumin x Reader ~ Study Date (Pt. 2)

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"Now, that is amazing!" He leans back on you slightly pressing against you, moaning lightly. He can feel you breasts against his back causing him to become firm and continue growing firmer.

"Are you relaxed now?" You ask him in a hopeful tone.

"Am I relaxed?" Jumin turns to face you and quickly kisses you long and hard, making up his mind on where he wants this to go. He inserts his warm sweet wine tasting tongue into your mouth. It is received and wrapped with your tongue in a hot, flirtatious French kiss. You wrap your arms around Jumin's. Jumin wants nothing more than to finally feel his hands on you. He moves his hands around your body stroking and caresses you gently. After a few moments, you pull away for a needed breath of air, smiling a big smile.

"Everything alright?" You ask him, checking in.

"Alright? More so! Do you feel the chemistry I feel?" Jumin laughs as you nod your head enthusiastically. "Then get back here because I don't want you to stop." He asserts.

Jumin begins to kiss you again and this time as he imagines earlier that night, he moves to your ear breathing slow and deep. You quiver. He moves down your neckline, making you very turned on by this man. He is working everything for you as you begin to return the same for him. You are holding Jumin so close. You both make out in that tub for the longest time; you on his neck, him on yours. Jumin's hands are moving all over your wet body and that pleases you. He moves his hands onto your breasts, tweaking your nipples playfully.

"Ooo yeah..." You moan.

"Yes?" He murmurs against your skin.

"Yeah, that feels good. I like that." You assure him.

"I like it too. You have nice breasts." he says graciously.

"Mmmm...oh yes, do that Jumin." You plead as his hands ramped up in speed.

"I'm going to suck them." He tells you. This isn't an ask, but you know you have the ability to stop it at any time. But that just makes you want it more.

"Mmm. Yes, even better."

He motions you to trade places with him. He is now sitting in your place and you are standing in front of him. As you trade positions you pass Jumin and the head of his rock-hard cock brushes your thigh. You are impressed by his firmness.

"Mmm." Jumin pulls you to him, pleased with the contact.

You lift your arms to your head as he sucks and teases each nipple with the tip of his moist tongue.

"Oh! Mmmm!!" Your gentle moans and groans as the jets slow and grow quiet while the water comes to a standstill. The room seems quiet with only the background noise of the speaker's music. The hot tub must be on a timer, you thought.

"Beautiful!" Jumin comments. He is so impressed with you. Your breasts were perfect, and the nipples were so desirable and firm.

Jumin holds his hands on your waist. You lower your arms and move toward Jumin. You glance down standing between his knees you can see Jumin's hard cock pointing straight up to you. You slowly reach down into the still water and place your hand around his hard shaft, gripping it gently. Jumin immediately moans with pleasure. He loves the feel of your small hand firmly rubbing his shaft. He leans his head backward with his eyes closed and absorbs the wonderful massage you are giving him, not wanting this to stop. You rub your palms up and down his cock and then place your hand on his balls for a gentle massage as well.

With his head still rolled back in splendor, you lean forward and gently caresses Jumin's masculine chest with your lips. You kiss his nipples offering the same playful tease as he did on you, curious if he'll like it. Jumin is pleasantly surprised but this turns him on to you more; a playful temptress. He would like to see so much more of you, and he wants so much more from you. Jumin sits his head up reaches around and pulls you close. He plants yet another kiss on you, deeper than before to showcase his desire for you. In response, you bend your knees so that you are crouching on his lap. You continue to make out again, a little longer. You can feel his hard cock resting against your inner thigh, inwardly delighting you. His hands rub your ass, and you play with the back of his neck and shoulders.

It felt as though you were both passionately making out for hours.

"You are so... desirable. I want nothing more than to have you in your entirety." Jumin whispered.

"Your cock is so hard! I am so turned on... I would love to share myself with you." You respond back wanting more.

"Let me take you out of here. We can take our wine and go upstairs." He was not one to waste a good bottle.

"Sounds good." You say eagerly.

"Okay let me get you a wrap, you grab the glasses." Jumin suggests.

You slowly pulls away from Jumin rising from his lap.

Jumin raises his elbows to the ledge and pulls himself out of the water. He is sitting on the edge preparing to exit the tub.

Your eyes are drawn to the hugeness of Jumin's cock. Jumin reaches above him for the towels on the rack unsuspecting.

Unrestrained by you all of you horny urges You kneels forward in front of Jumin and takes his huge cock into one hand and takes it deep into your throat.

"God!" he gasps.

Jumin nearly drops the towels into the tub. Grabbing his composure, he places them aside and groans with great pleasure. He cannot believe you have taken him by such surprise and are working his cock in and out of your moist mouth. You are sucking with such firm pressure and it feels so good.

"Oh my God! I can't believe you!" he can barely continue as he moans with pleasure. He is certain if you keep this up, he will cum all over your face. You work your hand up and down his shaft and suck his tip with your moist pink lips.

"You should stop before you make something happen. I want to take you upstairs YN." He suggests. You back off with a big grin on your face. You give your mouth a slight wipe and give Jumin a smile.

"I am sorry," you say with a playful chuckle. "I could not hold myself back. I am just so turned on by you. Your cock is so big and hard, I love it..."

"Don't apologize. It is mutual, the feeling." He reassured you.

He swings his legs out of the tub, gets up and wraps a towel around his waist. He extends a hand out to assist you up and over. As you descend over the edge, he surrounds you with a towel and draws you in for a kiss.

"Why don't you head up and rinse the chlorine off in the steam shower. I'll lock up here and blow out the candles. I won't be long, I promise." he said quietly.

"Sounds good. See you there!" You answer.

You wraps you towel securely around you, so you are free-handed. You grab the two glasses and open bottle of wine and starts upstairs. You are lost in your thoughts all the way upstairs. You cannot believe how this night has turned out...from your wistful hopes of a second date to an all-out night of passion. The smile on your face grows huge and you feel yourself grow flush.

In the bedroom you refill the glasses taking a sip from your glass. You need nothing to keep you relaxed at this point, but you are very thirsty from the long time in the hot tub. The tannins of the wine feel good in your mouth. You head into the bathroom and starts the shower. Although you really need nothing more than to rinse the chlorine from you skin you know that you are also very, very moist between your legs and you would like to freshen up before you get much closer to Jumin. You let you towel drop to the floor and steps into the hot shower. The water runs down your head and back. You rub your face and front and search in the shower for some bodywash and a scrub. Jumin enters the outer room. Through the clear glass doors, he can see your silhouette. You obviously are not paying attention to him, and he is quickly turned on by watching you. You use a soaped loofa to cleanse your breasts, back and buttocks. You lift you one leg onto the corner bench and begin to rub you pussy with just your plain hand—no soap. You move up and down your legs and around you pussy and backside. Jumin grows hard again. He too wants to clean you up, or at the least, rinse you off.

"Is there room in here for me?" He nearly growls.

"Come in." you say invitingly as he steps in. "Have you been watching me?"

"Only long enough to cause this." He admits, pulling you close, forcing you to feel his hardened member.

"Oh...Jumin, will you play with it for me?" you request.

"What? That turns you on? You want me to play with myself?"

"I would like it if you stroked it a little for me, yeah." You answer a little bashful of you answer.

"I-If you wish..." Jumin agrees willingly.

You stands in front of Jumin, still soapy yourself. You lather your sponge and begins to rub down Jumin's chest. You stroke his arms and sides all the while Jumin strokes his cock gently as you watch. He is holding himself strongly and firm. You reach down with both hands and a handful of soapy suds and takes over Jumin's position. You soap up his cock and balls and massage them. You stroke his cock back and forth and rubs his balls from underneath. Jumin leans over for a kiss. You lock together for a long, passionate kiss. You continue to get sprayed as the soap runs down from every inch of your bodies.

Suddenly, Jumin pushes you to the back wall of the shower. With a hand in each of yours he raises your arms above you head and begins to suck your breasts.

"Oh yes!" you moan.

You raises a leg on the corner bench. Jumin reaches a finger to the outside edge of you pussy without entering you. He can feel that you are very wet, even with the shower trying to wash away your natural lubricant.

"Oh my! You are so wet!" he breathes heavily.

"Yeah..." agreeing breathlessly.

"Let us move to the bedroom!"

"Yes, Jumin."

He reaches over and turns off the shower. Pushing open the door he leans out for a couple of towels. He offers you a towel and quickly gives his head a shake. He exits in his nakedness to the bedroom. You quickly towel your hair and follow to the bedroom. The room is dim, the appearance of a nightlight being all that lights the way. Jumin turns to face you. With a deep kiss to your neck he places his hand on you breast and tweaks your nipple. He motions you to the chaise lounge next to them.

You sits on the edge, Jumin in front of you. You take Jumin's still hard cock into your mouth, sucking deep, lucky he is so tall.

"Oh, yes!" he says pleased with desire.

Jumin loves this. He holds you gently at the back of your head escorting every move. You are in sync with every pump of his big hard dick into your waiting mouth. You beat his cock on your tongue enticing him to cum for you.

"Oh, God you are good!" he can hardly hold his expression. Jumin corrects his stance and pulls back from you. He would like to please you. "Lay back. It's your turn now."

He urges you for a chance to perform for you. You obey, laying back. Jumin crawls forward onto you. He lays a kiss onto you moving himself lower to your breasts. He likes your nipples, he's decided. They are hard and so kissable. He uses the tip of his tongue to flick them back and forth. You like this and it is obvious to him in the way you squirm. You move your hands lower to your drenched pussy. You begin to play with yourself.

"Mmmmmm." You moan with desire.

"Is it your turn?" He asks you with pleasure.

"Mmmmm." You continue to moan passionately writhing under his frame. You bring your fingers up to your mouth and lick them.

"Will you share?" Jumin asks playfully.

"Absolutely!" you respond with a big smile.

You rub your clit and moistens your fingers with your wet juices, bring them up and enter them into Jumin's mouth.

"I believe I need more!"

"Oh yes, please!" You plead in a heavy passionate voice.

Jumin motions down, spreading your legs. He sticks the tip of his hot tongue into your pussy. You are so wet. You taste so warm and sweet he can't wait to take you.

You cry in ecstasy as he laps and licks, moving his tongue, circling around your clit, then entering you.

"I want you Jumin!" you demand.

"Yes?" he questions already knowing. He is ready too. He wants to take you now. He wants you deep and hard on his cock. On his knees he positions himself between you. He spreads your legs and presses the tip of his cock against your clitoris. He gives you a gentle rub, sliding his cock back and forth with the head rubbing against your clitoris.

You moan with enjoyment.

"Oh, yes" you utter, approvingly with shortened breath.

"You like that?" he asks you.

"Yes, play with my clit." You answer somewhat pleading.

Jumin rubs your clit with his hardness. The tip of his cock rubbing circles around the stiff little clit. He is so hard and ready. With one heavy push Jumin gives it his all and thrusts it into you.

You scream out in ecstasy as he pumps you in and out, in and out. He is enjoying the pleasure.

"Oh yeah...yeah...yeah." In, out, in, out. Your moistness makes it very easy for him to pump you hard.

Jumin pulls out. His cock is dripping with pre-cum. You sit up, pulling him to you and putting his cock in your mouth. You take in the pre-cum on your tongue, moistening your dry mouth.

"Mmmm..." you moan with pleasure.

Next, you stand up and motion him to sit back in the comfortable chair. He did so and in a seated position on the lounger his cock is erect. You rise above him and faces him. You lower yourself over his cock. You playfully rub it back and forth over your wet folds.

Jumin places his hands on your breasts and squeezes. You finally lower yourself all the way and feel his huge, hard cock enter you deeply. You gyrate up and down pushing him in and out, in and out. Jumin squeezes a little firmer as he can feel himself closer to the point of ejaculation. You are flexing your pelvic muscles and he can feel you squeezing on his cock. He's never had such an experience.

As he moans wildly, you slow your pace leaning forward.

"Will you take me on the bed, Jumin?" you ask.

He lifts you up and tosses you onto the king-size bed. You get onto your knees and look back at Jumin with a smile. Jumin immediately stands beside the bed taking full advantage of your position. He grabs your hips as he is standing and pulls you onto his throbbing cock.

You scream out as you take his entirety into you and he pumps into you, doggie style, sliding in and out easily.

"YES! ... YES! ... YES! FUCK! YES! OH, JUMIN, FASTER! YES!" The words fall out of your mouth.

You are so hot right now that you feel like you are going to explode. Jumin's hands are guiding the outrageous pace. He reaches forward and plays with your nipples. This throws you over the edge and you scream out.

"Jumin, I'm cumming! OH YES! FUCK! YES! OH MY GOD!" you scream, pulling hard at the bed cover.

Jumin can feel your walls tightening within, wrapping his cock harder and harder. He is going to cum as well.

With a strain and a difficult withdrawal, Jumin shoots a hot stream of cum across your back.

"Yes!" Jumin exclaims.

He continues to shoot cum on your ass and the small of you back.

"You look so hot!" He tells you as you turn around and get off the bed.

You smile as you collapse onto the bed.

"I think I should ask the professor for a different study partner!" you say with a sheepish grin.

"Oh??" Jumin questions with a tilted expression.

"Yeah, I don't know how much we can accomplish on future study dates." You finish with a smile.

"Don't worry about that. You just leave that up to long as you continue to attend those study dates, it'll get done." He answers goofily but with confidence. And you both laugh.

"Alright, then." You laugh off his answer. "I trust you."

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