Jaehee x MC ~ Marriage Material

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It had been a year since MC said yes to Jaehee's proposal and what a year it had been. Planning a wedding had been more work than they imagined. They decided to just have a small wedding on the beach with their closest family and friends. Neither wanted anything big as that wasn't their style. Plus, MC loved the beach and had always dreamed of a beautiful beach wedding. They even rented the same beach house they met at for the week before the wedding. They were two weeks away from the wedding and there was still so much to do. They wanted to have everything done by the time they went to the beach house so they could relax and enjoy their time.

It was early Monday morning and MC had just woken up. The sun was barely even up yet. Jaehee was still asleep lying next to her looking so peaceful. MC didn't want to wake her up; she didn't have to be up for another hour to get ready for work. MC gently climbed out of bed and headed to the kitchen to make her coffee. It was beautiful out with a nice summer breeze so she decided to take her coffee and sit on the porch. Along with planning a wedding, they had been looking at houses too. They wanted to buy a house but they were taking their time to find the perfect one. A nice wrap around porch was one of MC's must haves for their new house. She was day dreaming about what their new house would look like when she felt Jaehee's arms wrap around her. Jaehee kissed MC on the cheek and said, "Good morning, beautiful!"

"Good morning, Jae!" MC said as Jaehee took a seat next to her on the bench.

"Do you have to go into work today?" Jaehee asked

"Yeah, I'm going in this afternoon. First, I'm going to make a few phone calls with vendors to finalize some details and then go pick up our marriage license."

After a few more minutes of talking, Jaehee kissed MC and headed to go get ready for work.

The week pretty much went the same way. MC and Jaehee spent their days working and getting ready for their big day. Everything was finally coming together. At the week's end they were finally on vacation for two weeks. A week at the beach house and a week on their honeymoon in San Juan.

It was Saturday late morning and MC and Jaehee were finishing up packing for their trips. Since they wouldn't be coming back to their apartment before the wedding or their honeymoon, they had to make sure they packed everything which was definitely a lot of stuff. They were excited to be going back to the beach house where it all started. Even more excited that they had the house to themselves for a few days before their family and friends joined them mid-week. Finally, around four o'clock they were all done packing and had loaded up the car. They drove an hour to Ocean City, brought their stuff to the beach house, then went to go eat on the boardwalk. By the time they were done eating the sun had set but instead of heading back to the house they decided to go on a romantic walk on the beach. About an hour later they decided to head back to the house.

When they got back to the house MC asked Jaehee what room should they take.

"How about the one where it all started?" Jaehee said with a grin.

"I think you just read my mind!" MC said. "I'm going to freshen up. Why don't you go start the fire pit out back and I'll join you in a moment?"

"Okay, sounds good."

Jaehee walked off to the back porch while MC stayed behind in the bedroom. Once MC was sure Jaehee was outside, she started rummaging through her bag. This time MC had a surprise for Jaehee. MC pulled out a sexy black lace lingerie set and put it on. She then rummaged through another bag and pulled out a small blue vibrator. Small enough she could conceal it in her hand. MC made her way to the back porch where Jaehee was sitting, her back towards the sliding glass door. MC slowly opened the door standing there when Jaehee turned around.

"Gorgeous!" Jaehee said.

"Hi!" MC said with a grin.

"Why don't you come stand in front of me? I want a better look!"

MC walked over to Jaehee standing in front of her. Jaehee looked at MC with love in her eyes but also with a look of lust too. All she could think about was how she wanted her and she wanted her now. She told her to turn around as she wanted to see her from behind. She did so and Jaehee smacked her on the ass leaving it a nice color. MC jumped and moaned at the same time. MC turned back around and straddled her. She kissed her passionately which led to a full on heavy make out session. Jaehee's hands were roaming everywhere from squeezing MC's ass cheeks to massaging her breasts. She tried to slip a hand down Jaehee's pants but the buttoned waist band didn't allow a lot of room. MC crawled off of her and said, "Let's get these off of you!" She helped her out of her shorts. "Boxers too, Jae!" MC said biting her lip. Jaehee didn't hesitate and took her boxers off and tossed them to the side. MC grabbed one of the cushions off a nearby chair and laid it before Jaehee. What she didn't know though was MC still had the small vibrator concealed in her hand. MC knelt down between her c legs and positioned her face before Jaehee's pussy. She kissed it softly a few times then slid her tongue in to get a taste of her. With MC's free hand she held open Jaehee's pussy lips and started sucking and flicking her clit. She then brought the vibrator up to Jaehee's pussy, turning it on, and placed it on her clit. She jumped.

"Whoa! What was that?" Jaehee exclaimed.

MC held up the vibrator. "This little toy I bought." She said with a grin.

"That felt amazing. Please do it again!"

With that request MC looked down at Jaehee's clit and placed the tip of the vibrator on it. She started moving it around in slow circles while sliding two fingers inside of her. She began to fuck her slowly letting the vibrator be the center of attention. Jaehee and MC were looking at each other intensely with Jaehee biting her lip. She whispered, "Fuck me harder baby! I'm about to cum!" MC started moving her fingers in and out faster and harder. It was just what Jaehee needed to send her over the edge. She started bucking and convulsing against MC's hand. MC shut the vibrator off and bent down to lick up all of Jaehee's cum.

"Can I use the toy on you?" Jaehee asked. MC smiled and handed it over to her while saying yes. She stood up and Jaehee reached over to take off her panties. She stood up and was about to position MC in the chair when she said, "Jae, go put on your strap-on! I want both toys!" Jaehee went back in the house, put on the strap, and walked outside where she found MC spread eagle rubbing her clit. Jaehee watched MC for a minute. She found it to be such a turn on to see MC touching herself. "Come fuck me baby!" MC said. Jaehee walked over to MC, scooted her down in the chair, and placed the dildo tip in MC's pussy. MC was greedy though and wanted more so she pulled Jaehee close till she was all the way inside her. MC moaned out loud with pure satisfaction. Jaehee started to fuck her slowly. When she picked up speed to a good pace, she placed the vibrator on MC's clit. The sensation of both the dildo and the vibrator felt amazing. Jaehee fucked MC harder which sent her right over the edge into a blissful orgasmic state.

It was Friday, the day before the wedding. All of MC's and Jaehee's family and friends had arrived a couple days ago. They had been spending their days at the beach and MC was loving every minute of it. This morning was going to be no different for everyone. After breakfast they all got ready and headed to the beach. They spent most of the day sunbathing, swimming in the ocean, or at the boardwalk. MC and Jaehee even went to the arcade for old time sakes. That night was the wedding rehearsal and afterwards MC's parents threw a party for all the guests at their beach house. Everything was absolutely wonderful. It was getting late and people were starting to leave. MC was staying at her family's beach house that night so the next time she would see Jaehee was at the altar.

"I can't believe in less than 24 hours I'll get to call you my wife!" Jaehee said.

"Tomorrow is going to be perfect!" MC said.

"I'm going to miss you tonight. This will be the first time I'm not sleeping next to you in a year!"

"I'm going to definitely miss you too!"

"It's getting late. I should go. I want you to get a good night's sleep!" Jaehee told MC.

"Just a few more minutes!"

MC leaned in and kissed Jaehee. Each kiss expressing the love between them. A few minutes later they said their goodbyes for the night.

The next day MC woke up with a huge smile on her face. Today was the big day. She knew this day would be one of the happiest days of her life. She got out of bed and headed to the kitchen. First, before anything she had to have her coffee. In the kitchen was her family and her two closest friends who was her bridal party. They sat around the kitchen eating breakfast and talking about what the day held. The wedding was to start at 3, it was now ten. They needed to get a move on if it was to start on time. MC hired someone to do her mom's, her best friends, and her hair and makeup. That was the first thing on the agenda. At two o'clock it was time for them to get dressed. MC slipped into her white dress. It was absolutely gorgeous. It was floor length, low cut v neck, and lace. It fit all her curves perfectly.

It was almost three now. All the guests were seated. The ceremony was decorated beautifully with white chairs, pale yellow and light blue flowers, and candles. Jaehee, along with her two best friends were, standing at the altar which was also decorated with pale yellow and light blue flowers. MC's two bridesmaids walked down the aisle then stood up at the altar too. MC was standing behind a closed curtain so no one could see her. The instrumental version of their favorite song came on and the curtain was pulled back. MC started walking slowly keeping her eyes locked with Jaehee's. She thought she was gorgeous. She felt she was the luckiest girl in the world to be marrying MC. MC made her way to the altar where she took Jaehee's hands. They stared at each other lovingly. The preacher started the ceremony by saying a few words and then MC and Jaehee recited their vowels to each other. When Jaehee recited hers, MC started to tear up. The preacher then finished up the ceremony, both girls saying "I do". They shared their first kiss as a married couple and walked back down the aisle while everyone clapped and cheered.

While everyone was enjoying cocktail hour downstairs in the reception hall MC and Jaehee made their way upstairs for some alone time. Once upstairs by themselves Jaehee said,

"I can't believe you are finally my wife. I can't even begin to express how beautiful you look!"

"Thank you, Jae. You look really good yourself!"

MC and Jaehee embraced and started kissing right there in the hallway. Jaehee started to pull up MC's dress till it bunched around her waist.

"Jae, what are you doing?" MC asked. "All our guests are right downstairs!"

"Let's go in here then MC, I need to have you right now!"

MC hesitated for a moment but then followed Jaehee into what they found out to be a huge bathroom. MC pulled up the rest of her dress so it was bunched around her waist. Jaehee then helped MC shimmy out of her panties and hoisted her up on the counter. "Seeing you in this dress has me so hot right now! I have to taste you!" Jaehee said as she knelt down between MC's legs. Jaehee knew they didn't have much time before they had to be downstairs so she dove right in lapping up Jaehee's juices and toying with her clit. She started flicking her tongue faster and fucked MC's clit like it was her last job on Earth. It didn't take long before MC was cumming into Jaehee's mouth.

Jaehee stood up and suggested they go downstairs now. MC couldn't do that till Jaehee had her release too. She switched spots with Jaehee and pushed her against the counter facing the mirror. She reached her hands around Jaehee and unbuttoned her shorts. MC gently pulled them and Jaehee's boxers down till they were piled on the floor. She took her finger and slid it inside Jaehee's folds finding her clit rubbing it in a circular motion. She took her other hand and started fucking Jaehee's pussy from behind. They locked eyes with each other in the mirror. The love between them was intense. MC started kissing on Jaehee's neck. Just then they heard people in the hall way. Jaehee squirmed trying to get free from MC before they got caught. MC wouldn't stop fucking her. "Cum for me baby!" MC demanded. She started to fuck Jaehee even harder. Within moments Jaehee moaned out load and came all over MC's fingers. MC removed her fingers and inserted them in her own mouth. "Mmmm" she said. Jaehee got dressed and they headed downstairs.

The reception was beautiful and the night was amazing. MC and Jaehee danced the whole night away stealing kisses every chance they got. They both were on cloud nine. They still couldn't believe they were married. MC remembered the first time she met Jaehee. She was smitten by her and couldn't stop staring at her gorgeous blue eyes. MC didn't think Jaehee would ever make a move but she finally did and they spent an amazing night together. After a year of being so far apart and only seeing each other three times Jaehee asked MC to marry her and of course MC said yes. Now they are here, married, and ready to spend the rest of their lives together. The happiest they ever been.

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