Requested: Boss!707 x Jealous!Reader ~ The Assistant Pt. 1

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It was any other day and you were laying in bed with Seven while he tapped away on his laptop, headphones on. It was a rainy Sunday and both of you had enjoyed a recent love-making session. Seven had boxers on and you  had his large black tee-shirt pulled on. Overall, it was relaxing for the two of you.

Who it was not relaxing for however, was Vanderwood. He was running around like a chicken with his head cut off trying to get everything in place and get everything done. He needed help.

Finally, exasperated, he burst into Seven's room, scaring the both of you.

"I need an assistant  to help clean up after you and do things for you, if you're not going to help." He stated.

"YN, can you go help Vanderwood for a bit? Get him off my back so I can finish this, babe." He whispered into your hair.

"No, I don't want your girlfriend." Vanderwood brushed this off. "I want a full-time assistant and I'm going to hire one by tomorrow. Please be decent by eight in the morning tomorrow so I can introduce them to you."

"Too early. Make it ten."

"No. Eight or they'll walk in on whatever is happening here." Vanderwood proclaimed before he

Seven huffed and pushed his headphones back off his head.

"Fine. Just handle it." He gave Vanderwood an annoyed look. "Just go away."

And with a returned huff, he did leave.

And the next morning, he did indeed return, with a human in tow. Not that the scene "was any more professional. Seven was shirtless, lounging in boxers, typing away on his laptop, headphones around his neck, and you had Seven's white tee-shirt over you this morning, a bagel in your hand, being fed to Seven and to you.

Vanderwood cleared his throat.

"Hello!" He pushed the assistant forward. "This is Mary. I know you were fond of that name, so how ironic is it that here is a Mary for you now. She'll be helping me mind you, and ensure you are on task."

"Good morning! I hope I can serve you well!" She bowed and smiled a large smile. But you frowned and threw your leg over Seven protectively, frowning. You saw the stars in her eyes and you didn't like it.

"Yeah, I don't know if it's going to work out." Seven glanced down at you, noting your behavior quickly.

"Make it work out. Don't be difficult or I'll make you do all your own cleaning and extra work. Then you won't have any time to lay in bed with your girlfriend here." He rolled his eyes. "You're lucky she doesn't impede on your work."

"Fuck off, Vanderwood." You waved him away. "Rude." 

"Rude." Seven seconded. "I don't care what Mary, here, does. Your assistant, you tell her what to do. I'm busy."

"With what? The single project I gave you three days ago that was due yesterday?" He scolded Seven.

"I will help Agent 707 will any and everything, Agent Vanderwood." Mary stood at attention. "Please, leave it to me to assure it gets done today."

"Alright. Thank you." Vanderwood sighed and turned on his heels.

All three people left in the room awkwardly stared, at each other.

"Um, this is going to be a little weird to say, but YN," Mary began, "You need to go home. Or at least leave. This is work time for Agent 707 and I don't know if you have a job, but he needs to focus on his right now."

"Nah, I'm good." You waved her away. "Go away."

"I can ask you to leave again," She smiled, "Or I can have the bodyguards that are on call forcibly remove you."

Seven gave her an irritated look, but he knew that was something Vanderwood would give her full authority to do.

"YN, can you go make lunch for me, babe." He leaned over to whisper in your ear. "Just humor her for now. I'll settle this later with Killjoy. Then, I'll make it up to you."

You gave him a long, passionate, sloppy kiss, slipping your hand down his boxers just enough to assert your presence. Then, you stood up.

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