Requested: Possessive!Jaehee x MC ~ I Picked You

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"What's wrong Jae?" You looked over at your girlfriend, who had her arms crossed and her legs crossed at the dinner table.

  "MC, I can't stand the way they look at you." She scoffed as she sipped at her coffee.

"Who? What?" You whipped your head at her. 

"The boys. It's like they can't stand that you picked me instead of one of them." She scoffed a second time, looking away from you.

"Oh, stop being so possessive, Jae! You know I picked you already, what more do you want?!" You moved to sit closer to her.

She glanced over at you. Then, before you could blink, she pulled you onto her lap.

"You're mine! I'm just going to have to make them remember that every time they see you!" She smiled, but she had a devious look in her eye.

"What do you--" You began to ask but suddenly, you yelped. "Eep!"

Jaehee's lips and teeth were attached to your neck and she was sucking aggressively on it.

Pushing her coffee aside, she laid you down on the table and pushed her hands up your skirt, yanking your panties down.

"J-J-Jaehee!" You cried out, "Wh-What are you doing?!"

She broke the suction on your neck just long enough to kiss it and nurse it for a section. As the cold air hit both your bare core and the hickey just given to you, you shivered.

"You're mine, MC. I want them to know when they see you next." She mumbled as her long, delicate fingers began to play within your folds. "And even if you considered any of them for the briefest of moments, I want you to know that I will make you cum harder than any of them ever could; with just my fingers."

And with that, she plunged in two of her fingers while her other hand went to work massaging your breast underneath your bra and shirt while tweaking your nipple intermittently.

The passion was overwhelming and it was torturous that she slid her fingers in and out of you at such a languid pace that you could hardly stand it. You tried to push your hips up and down to increase the pace, but she wouldn't allow it. Instead, her lips continued to suck at your neck; determined to make it more discolored than your natural skin tone.

"Jaehee! Please! Faster!" You begged her.

"Tell me I'm the only one for you." She whispered in your ear. "That you want me to make you cum."

"You're the only one for me, Jae!" The words, very true, fell out of your lips quickly. "Please, I want you to make me cum!"

"You're such a good woman, MC." Jaehee kissed your jawbone as you whined. "I guess I'll go faster for you."

And her pace picked up not only exponentially, but a third finger was added

"Ahh!" Your moans rang throughout her house, making her own eyes close in pleasure. She loved the way she could make you sound. It was music to her ears. "Jae! Jae! Jae!"

Her name streaming from your lips could make her cum in minutes.

And within seconds, it made you finish. She felt as your walls clenched around her fingers and your breathing became even more rapid.

She quickly pulled you into her lap and held you close, kissing you slowly and softly.

"I love you, MC." She hugged you tightly. "I'm sorry I'm so possessive sometimes."

"I love you too, Jaehee. But I'm going to have to mark you back!" You smiled as you rained down lipstick kisses all over her face. It was just a temporary revenge. The least you could do.

AN: Aw, I can't believe I haven't done a Jaehee alone yet! Well, here we are! Enjoy!

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