Requested: Crossdressing!707 x Hacker!Reader~ Blackmail (Pt. 1)

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"DAMN IT!" Seven swore as he mashed his keyboard. "They fried my circuit board AGAIN!"

"Agent 707, WHAT is going on in here?!" Vanderwood rushed inside at the commotion.

"Nothing..." Seven lied. "I thought I saw a fly land on my keyboard, that's all."

"Go back to work... Stop goofing off..." Vanderwood shook his head as he left.

"I'm not goofing off..." He mumbled as he hit the keyboard again; spurring the most annoying message he'd ever encountered in his life.

" He mumbled as he hit the keyboard again; spurring the most annoying message he'd ever encountered in his life

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"I FUCKING HATE THIS THING!" He yelled as he desperately tried to override the message. "I don't even have a fucking battery supply! This is a PC! A PC!"

Meanwhile, you were laughing your ass off at your apartment. You had no idea why Seven didn't know it was you. Fuck buddies from the local kink club, you two had talked enough to have a few interests in common; one being computers. So when you decided to torment Seven just a little bit, you were surprised that he didn't hunt you down to ask if it was you.

Albeit, you just wanted some attention from him. He had been skipping the monthly get-togethers for a while now and your pussy was aching for a little bit of action. So you figured "why not blackmail him like a good hacker?". And now here you were.

After a few more hours of absolute torment, you decided to go easy on him.

The screen flashed in front of him suddenly, rousing him from his frustration nap on his keyboard

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The screen flashed in front of him suddenly, rousing him from his frustration nap on his keyboard.

"Huh?" Seven rubbed his eyes. "Gosh, not this again."


Seven blushed. Of course they would know his fetish. He had a whole closet full out outfits; most of them dresses. He had gone to fetish parties dressed up, and certainly had sex with different people dressed up... but he had never gone out in public dressed up.

He paused. Was this really going to be worth it to him? It was a whole new level of humiliating. He looked up at his computer screen; totally unusuable. He looked down at his lap; his dick already hard from the thought of going out dressed like a maid.

"What does this hacker want from me? Pictures for blackmail? Sheer humiliation?" He spun his chair around as he threw his head back. "Whatever it is... I can't work like this."

So Seven stood up and marched to his special closet.

On went the frilly choker, the frilly bracelets. He tugged on the classic dress; black and white with a white apron to match. Next came a pair of black panties; his hard cock stuck out the top of them.

"I'm going to have to either calm down or jack off. Otherwise my dick won't fit." He smirked to himself. "I think I'll... wait it out. Then it'll be an even better release at the end."

After a few calming breaths, he shoved himself fully into the small panties. And then, he put on a set of black stockings with a garter belt. Slipping on black heels and a headband, he looked at himself in the mirror.

"I'm so fucking hot." He smiled. "This hacker better watch out."

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