Seven x Reader x Yoosung ~ Never Have I Ever (pt. 1)

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"I don't believe it! Seriously!" You looked over at the two boys on the floor. "You've both kissed other guys before? I haven't even had my first kiss yet... No fair."

Pouting and taking a swig of the bottle of champagne that you all were sharing, you were playing never have I ever with Yoosung and Seven.

Yoosung was giggling away, already drunk off of a third of a bottle.

"No but-- hic-- it's true! We're all-- hic-- open to new e-sperien-zes" He tried to look you in the eye, but it was pretty hard for him.

"Even if we were lying, we could just make it true right now!" Seven was a little buzzed, but not bad enough to blame his next actions on the alcohol. "Look, see?" He crawled over into Yoosung's lap and planted a long, languorous kiss on his laps. He chuckled and smiled when he pulled his lips back. "You... taste fruity, Yoosung."

You however, had your mouth open and were blushing at the scene in front of you. You'd have to be lying if you said you weren't a little bit turned on.

"Never have I ever... wanted to have a threesome." The words fell from your mouth as you stared at the boys in front of you. Seven still hadn't backed away from Yoosung and as far as everyone could tell, no hands went up. Not even yours.

"MC... do you... Are you into this? 'Cause I'll kiss Sevvy s'more if you'll kizz me too" Yoosung's words slurred as he tried to focus on the woman sitting in front of him.

"Y-yeah... Kiss 'Sevvy' more..." You muttered as your breathing rate increased.

Seven took this advantage and began lightly kissing Yoosung's neck, holding his head steady. Yoosung's eyes fluttered and he let out a small moan as Seven both ran his hand up Yoosung's abs and pushed his shirt up.

"You wanna touch, MC? He's pretty soft. I'll even get out of the way." Seven remarked as he crawled around behind Yoosung, still holding his shirt up.

"Touch me, MC... I'm sooo hard." Yoosung groaned.

"You mean soft, Yoosung." Seven purred in his ear as he nipped at it.

"No, noo... Look!" Furiously, Yoosung worked to free himself from his jeans. And he was right. He was really hard. "Pretty please? MC?"

"I.. Uh... Okay..." You were nervous, but the sight in front of you was too hot to ignore. As you shakily got on your hands and knees, you crawled over to Yoosung; albeit a bit wobbly.

"Let's kiss her together first." Seven looked up at you with lust.

"T-Together?" You asked.

"Mhm. You've never even had your first kiss. It wouldn't be fair for one of us to take it. So we both will." He smirked and leaned in.

Yoosung leaned in as well, understanding what to do.

You closed your eyes and before you knew it, two pairs of lips were gently pressed against your own. Your heart rate increased and you weren't sure what to do with your body. But Yoosung and Seven knew what to do.

Seven's arms crept around Yoosung's body and began touching his hard member. Yoosung's arms roamed your sides, rubbing them up and down, coming forward and asking for permission.

Both men's tongues slipped in and out of their mouths, begging for entrance to your own. After a moment or two, your head became so foggy, that you wanted to let them do anything they wanted to you. Opening your mouth, both men greedily fought each other for dominance within the confines of your body. But suddenly, Seven retreated and broke the kiss.

This surprised both you and Yoosung, causing you both to retract and look at him.

"More. I want more."

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