Requested: Saeran x Reader x Saeyoung ~ A Helping Hand

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"You've got to be gentle, Saeran, YN's pussy is like a delicate flower. I've gotten her so wet and slippery for you, brother, so you should be able to slide right in. Look, I'll even hold her open for you."

Saeyoung held your body up and apart  by your thighs. Your pussy dripped onto the ground beneath you as your face blushed a dark, deep red. It had been six months since the two brothers had decided to take you into their new house together. And two months since they had decided to share you. And only about thirty minutes since they had decided to do this salacious act.

"I'm already pushed deep inside of her ass, so you don't need to worry about me," Saeyoung nuzzled your ear as he spoke to his twin. "Go on, she's waiting."

Saeran licked his lips hesitantly as he stood awkwardly in front of your heaving body.

"Saeran," You whispered, "He won't let me feel good until you feel good."

"Okay, YN." His mint green eyes looked into yours, "I want you to feel really good."

A smile crept across both your and Saeyoung's face as Saeran's face buried itself in the crook of your neck. Saeyoung's fingers held your pussy open as his twin's throbbing cock glided inside of you, causing you to gasp and lean back further into Saeyoung's chest.

"You're a good girl, letting us take you like this," Saeyoung cooed as his tongue caressed the shell of your ear. "Get ready to scream."

And with that, he began setting the pace for him and his brother to begin thrusting into you.

Each push pushed the air out of your lungs as Saeyoung's fingers played with your clit, his dick pushed roughly into your ass and his warm breath huffed into your ear. One of your hands held onto the arm that was playing with you, desperately trying to steady yourself to the fantastic pace that was set.

You were almost drooling at the pleasure you were receiving. And Saeran couldn't help but stroke your thighs with his fingers as he relished the moans that you released in his ears. They crescendo-ed as the pace quickened, then suddenly a shift occurred.

With a simple pause, Saeyoung went off-pace and a whole new sensation arose within you, causing your moans, which were  loud to begin with, to devolve into just what he wanted. Primal screams.

"Yes, baby~" Saeyoung moaned out, "Scream for us."

Saeran held your head as he rubbed his face against your neck.

"It's like she's sucking me inside of her," Saeran groaned.

"She wants our cum, Saeran, she's a dirty little girl." His twin responded back quickly. "Say it, YN, say you're our little girl."

"I-I-I" You stuttered.

"Say it clearly!" Saeran demanded as his cock shuddered inside of you, ready to release.

"I'm your little girl!" You screamed as your fluids released all over the men beneath you.

"Yes! Yes!" Saeran pumped his fluids deep inside of you as Saeyoung bit down on the crook of your neck, still pumping into you.

"I love it, yes, please keep giving it to me!" You continue to talk, helping to push Saeyoung into his orgasm as well, denoted by his own moan and sporadic thrusts.

As the moans and pants mixed together, it was easy for you to relax into Saeyoung and Saeran's quivering arms. They would take care of you and protect you. You were theirs.

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