Headcannons ~ Reactions to MC's Picture

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First cheers on Yoosung

"My little boy, grown up!"

Can't stop looking at it

"Maybe... too grown up."

Jealous that he didn't pursue MC

Throws phone away from him

Jacks off with guilt a few minutes later ~ Basically just pounds himself until he finishes. Nothing extra, nothing loving.


Cheers on Yoosung

"Why'd he let her be on top?"

Straight into a daydream about MC

"Oh, princess, let me do all of the work for you!"

Starts off touching himself slowly, working his way up, all the time still fantasizing. One of the better sessions he's had in a while.

Makes sure to write back "Good work!"


Writes instantly: "Very unprofessional. Why would you send this in the messenger?"

Looks at the picture throughout the day at work

Response from Yoosung: "She asked me to!"

Shaken by this statement

Can't stop thinking about MC

"I think... I think I would like a woman like her..."

Looks down at his lap, surprised at his own erection.

Ignores it for a while.

Sighs and tries to get back to work

Can't work, decides to turn his chair away from the office door and quickly, quietly and professionally "take care of business"

Finishes very quickly, scared of Jaehee walking in


"I wish I could see MC's face..."


Can't believe she said that out loud

Thinks about it most of the day, wondering why she wanted that.

Gets home and relaxes with decaffeinated coffee

Her hand drifts lower and lower until she's pleasuring herself

"MC... MC..." She calls out quietly "Let me see your face"

Feels naughty

Blushes the next time she talks to MC

"Not a high quality photo." She writes back


Blind, can't see much.

Happy for Yoosung, happy he moved past Rika

Wishes he could see the photo better

Tries a magnifying glass

Helps enough that he gets a little bit turned on

Thinks of his own fantasy as he touches himself

Never goes beyond that out of respect for Yoosung and MC's new relationship

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