Yoosung x Reader~ After Library Loving

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Yoosung was curled up behind you, pulling you close with one arm while his leg was draped over you. A ray of sunshine knifed through the blinds directly onto his eyelids, disturbing his sleep and waking him. Unlike you, the sunshine opens him up as it does a flower, its petals spreading open to greet the day.

Yoosung nuzzled the back of your head, letting your hair tickle his nose as Yoosung breathed you in. You moaned softly and wiggled against me, making me smile. Not wanting to disturb you, Yoosung gave you a gentle kiss on you neck before quietly slipping out of bed.

You rolled over into the spot Yoosung had vacated, briefly opening one eye to look up at him.

"What's up?" you whispered.

"I'm awake. I think I'm going to the library for a while."

You smiled and shook your head. "You're ambitious," you responded as you grabbed his pillow and pulled it against yourself, nesting with the intent to sleep longer.

Yoosung smiled again as he leaned over and kissed your cheek before grabbing some clothes and leaving the room. After getting dressed, Yoosung grabbed his keys and headed out to the bus. It wasn't a long ride to the library, but nevertheless, he did have a few moments to talk to the RFA.

Fifteen minutes later, Yoosung was sitting at a table, taking out his books on animal physiology. He had an exam later that week that he wanted to do well on. Only recently, had he decided to be a veterinarian one hundred percent. And even more recently, had he asked you to be his girlfriend. He smiled to himself as he thought about you back home in his bed.

Less than two hours later, Yoosung rode the bus the short distance back to the house, finding you still sleeping. He stood and watched you for a moment, the hint of a smile showing on your face as your back rose and fell with your breathing. Yoosung stripped naked and went into the bathroom to shower, having not done so this morning. It took him only minutes, and as he opened the door he stood and dried himself off.

At some point, you must have felt warm. You had pushed the covers off of most of your body and were lying there wearing a short nightgown with spaghetti-strap sleeves. Your hair was splayed out on the pillow as you lay there in a peaceful slumber. Glancing at the clock, Yoosung decided it was time to wake you.

Yoosung dropped the towel to the floor and walked over to the bed. Yoosung sat beside you and placed a series of gentle kisses on your shoulder, gradually kissing his way down one side of your back. You let out a soft sigh as Yoosung continued to kiss you, eventually reaching one soft, plump ass cheek, which he revealed by pulling up your nightgown. Yoosung kissed it all over, as you started to move about underneath him.

"Yoosung," you breathlessly said, rubbing your eyes. "Baby. Oh God, what time is it?"

"Is it time for me to make love to my girlfriend?" He asked sweetly.

"Yeah," You giggled. "Okay."

Yoosung moved onto the bed and in between your legs, reaching a hand down and touching you. The kissing had already affected you, and you lightly moaned as he touched you, finding you already wet. Yoosung pushed the nightgown up around your waist and slid on top of you, his cock hard and ready, pressed up against your pussy. With a slight shift Yoosung was inside you, causing you to gasp as he pushed fully into you. You were thankful for your decision to get an inter-uterine device, that way you could savor the feeling of his bare dick inside of you. He wasn't complaining either.

Yoosung pushed your arms up over your head, sliding his hands along them and interlocking his fingers with yours. He held your hands down and pressed his weight upon you as he moved, kissing and nipping at your neck as he did. You moved along with him, turning your head to find his lips with yours. You kissed as you moved together, taking your time and enjoying the intimacy you were feeling.

You turned your eyes to his, and what he saw in them in that instant made him fall in love with you all over again. It was in that position, face to face and heart to heart, that he wasn't able to hold back, moaned and filled you with his seed. Even that was unhurried as Yoosung continued to move, giving you everything. Of course he did. Everything is what he'd promised you when he asked you to be his girlfriend. And as your body exploded against his; he felt as if he was working his way towards fulfilling that.

You both stayed in that position for quite some time until Yoosung finally rolled off and onto his side, immediately pulling you into his arms. You curled up onto him and clung tightly, nearly purring with happiness.

"I love you," Yoosung whispered into your ear.

"I love you," you replied with a sigh, burrowing deeper into his chest with a smile on your face.

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