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It was a normal day in Iowa as I being rushed by my brother Colby, he was always in a hurry to get somewhere even if he wasn't busy with his job...I walked out of my bedroom then walked outside and got in his car.

Grace- I don't get why you always have to be in a hurry to get somewhere Colby, you're just meeting your friends.

Colby- I know but me and the guys have to head to the airport afterwards.

Grace- why can't you just drive there?

Colby- because I don't want to get stuck in a traffic jam Grace, I can't get fired...I promised that I would take care of you and this job is really helping me keep that promise, I don't want to lose you are the only family that I have left.

I leaned back in the seat and didn't say another word, I knew he was right, we were all each other had after he promised our parents that he would always take care of me before they both died, I was only ten years old when they died and Colby was seventeen at the time and had just started his wrestling career at the time, he didn't get paid much back than but it was enough to keep us in a hotel room every night along with food in our bellies even if it wasn't healthy for us, I was very grateful for the sacrifices my brother made for me. I lost all train of thought when he pulled up to a small diner, I got out of the car and quickly walked inside that way he wouldn't rush me, I hugged Joe and Jonathan before I sat down between the both of them and looked at the menu while Colby was just now sitting down across from me so he could keep a really close eye on me.

Jonathan- so how are you doing mini me?

Grace- I'm doing good, how are you?

Jonathan- I will be even better once the food gets here darling, its taking way to long and I am starving over here.

Joe- so anyway Colby, what's the plan for your baby sis over here, is she coming with us to the arena or are you going to make her stay at the hotel?

Colby- aw come on guys, you know Stephanie isn't going to allow her to stay at the arena since she doesn't work there and I don't want her to get hurt. I made a promise to alw--

Jonathan- to always protect her, we get it alright? But you need to accept the fact that she isn't a little kid anymore Colby, she is a beautiful young lady now!

Colby- are you serious right now Jon?! That's my sister you're talking about and she is staying at the hotel, where I know she will be safe.

Grace- can you guys please not fight here, save it for the ring...

Jonathan- sorry mini me, it won't happen again.

We finally got our food and quietly ate, I could tell that Colby was still pissed at Jonathan because he kept giving him a death stare, I swung my leg out and kicked Colby which made him look at me, I knew he known what it was for because he quit looking at Jonathan.

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