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I woke up early and noticed that I was back in my hotel room again, I guess Jon carried me back in here after I fell asleep, I got out of bed and got out some clothes to wear then got a shower before I went to meet Joe so we could talk to Stephanie about this storyline she has me in between the Wyatt family and the shield's feud.

Joe: are you ready to go Kiddo?

Grace: yeah, I just need to get my things before we leave the hotel and go meet Stephanie at her office.

Joe: okay we will head to the next city after we are finished talking to her and if she asks you why than you need to show her what they've done to you.

Grace: okay, but what if she tells me to take some time off to rest though?

Joe: than you take it, she may seem like a bad person on camera but she really isn't and you need a vacation so maybe you and Jonathan could go on a trip together that way you can get a little rest and relaxation along with some sun because you need a tan girl!

We laughed the whole way to Stephanie's office, I walked inside behind Joe and told her everything that Bray and the others did to me, I showed her the bruises on my arms and on my back, she told me to take some time off and not to come back until I had completely healed and she agreed to take me out of the storyline between both of the groups as well.

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