thirty five

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I woke up and seen Jonathan fast asleep while he held me close to him, I looked around the room and suddenly remembered the reason why I was here, I also remembered the guys saving me from Bray and bringing me here, I was glad that they found me before Bray caused me more pain than what he already did.

I seen Jonathan sit up then got out of bed and went into the bathroom, I sat up in the bed and turned the tv on and seen that I was being talked about so I turned it to a channel that was playing a movie, I didn't wwnt to think about what happened to me. I heard someone knocking on the door and I seen Colby and Joe walking in the room.

Joe: hey kiddo, how are you feeling?

Grace: I'm hurting just a little but not as bad as I was, thank you guys for coming after me.

Joe: there is nothing that we wouldn't do for you Grace because we all love you.

Jonathan walked back out of the bathroom and sat down on bed next to me.

Grace: where is our son at babe?

Jonathan: we left him with Joe's wife.

Colby: I will take him home then bring him here.

Joe gave me a hug before him and Colby left, I looked over at Jon then felt him give me a kiss on the top of my head before he checked his twitter since the company made him get one and seen a bunch of posts about me, he let out a loud sigh while he placed his phone back into his pocket.

Grace: is everything okay Jon?

Jonathan: yeah, I just get on my phone without seeing posts about what Bray did to you, the fans are thinking things that aren't true, I just people would mind their own business that's all.

Grace: don't worry about what they are saying baby, we all know what happened so let them pretend like they know what actually happened.

Jonathan: yeah you're right I just can't stand a know it's annoying.

Grace: have you eaten anything yet?

Jonathan: no but Colby got you a card and a necklace, do you want to see it?

Grace: yeah...

He handed me the card along with the necklace and I read them both then Jon put the necklace around my neck.

Grace: I don't know what I would do if I ever lost him, he is so sweet but gets treated so bad by everyone he dates.

Colby: hey I'm back...who are you talking about Grace?

Grace: I was talking about big dork, I was telling Jon how I would be lost if I ever lost you Colby, you have done so much for me and I've been selfish and haven't returned the favor.

Colby: you do return the favor everyday and I know that we have had a rough childhood and I just want you to be happy.

Grace: I have always been happy, I have a loving man, an slightly overprotective brother who I love and a very caring Samoan who is also like a brother to me and I couldn't ask for anything else out of life than what I have now.

Jonathan: there is nothing that we wouldn't do for you Grace, you've saved me from getting my ass kicked countless times and I've been a jerk to you but you continue to love me.

Grace: I have always loved you Jon from the very first time I met you despite me being ten years old at the time but I didn't care, I seen the good in you even if you didn't.

Jonathan: I never knew that you had feelings for me that long Grace, of course I should have known since you always liked to follow me around.

Grace: I love you so much Jon.

Jonathan: I love you too Grace.

Colby: okay if you're going to make out please wait til I leave the room.

Grace: oh come on Colby, you know that you are happy for us both.

Colby: yeah I guess you are right.

He handed J.D. to me and I showered him in kisses then he looked up at Jon and raised his arms up in the air then Jon picked him up and held him close. He was a good father to our son and Colby would make a great father one day, I just hope that him and Ariel hook up soon because they both deserve to be happy bit mostly they both deserved each other, I already consider Ariel as my sister and I would hope that Colby would one day ask her to become his wife.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2017 ⏰

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