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After I finished getting dressed I headed back to Jon's room after I grabbed my room key, I knocked on the door and waited for him to open it. He was wearing blue jeans and a black t-shirt along with a pair of black boots and a hoodie, he closed the door behind him and we walked out of the hotel and walked to the nearest coffee shop which was two blocks from the hotel, there was nobody here except me and him which was nice because we didn't have to wait long to get our coffees.

Jonathan: so Grace, do you want to tell what your nightmare was about?

Grace: I was at the arena with you and Bray and his buddies attacked you along with Colby and Joe then hauled ass with me and Bray allowed Braun to have his way with me, I woke up before it got any further

Jonathan: well you don't have to worry about them anymore babe because me, your brother and Joe aren't going to let that happen, I promise that you are safe.

Grace: yeah well it's not enough anymore, because they injured me pretty bad and it scares me Jon.

Jonathan: I know that you're scared Grace but you will never have to deal with the pain that they put you through, I won't let them hurt you again. Let's go back to my hotel room, we can watch a movie together like we always do.

Grace: that sounds great right now.

We left the coffee shop and headed back to the hotel then went to his room and cuddled together while we watched a movie, I rested my head on his chest and fell asleep, I didn't have the nightmare that I had before but it was a peaceful dream about the day I first met Jonathan and Joe, it was when Colby had teamed up with them and first formed 'the shield' when they was in NXT, we both become instant friends with him despite him being 7 years and a couple months older than I was but that didn't bother me.

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