twenty five

100 15 0

We finally made it to the hotel in the next city, me and Jon was sitting around deciding on what RV that we wanted but couldn't decide on one.

Jonathan: this is harder than what I thought it was going to about we go look at a few tomorrow babe?

Grace: that's a great idea, we will do that and maybe we can buy the one we want and leave with it than?

Jonathan: yeah sure we can but until we should get to the arena so I can rehearse with the guys before the show starts, come on beautiful.

Grace: okay let me get up and change clothes then we will leave here.

Jonathan: okay baby, do you need help getting up?

Grace: yes please

I watched as he stood up and grabbed both of my hands as he pulled me up, I grabbed something to wear and he helped me get dressed, I could tell he was in a hurry just by how quick he helped me put my clothes on myself.

After we got there I seen Colby and Joe standing outside their locker room while they went over a few lines

Jonathan: sorry I'm late, I had to Grace get ready before we left the hotel.

Colby: oh you're not late, we just wanted to get here early so we get enough rehearsal before the show.

Grace: hey boys! Having fun over here?

Joe: oh yeah we are always having fun.

Grace: well that's good to hear, I'm gonna go get sit down, excuse me guys.

Jonathan: okay sweetheart, I love you.

Grace: I love you too Jonathan.

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