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Its been almost two weeks since Grace saved my ass from being badly injured by the Wyatt family, I've tried to contact her but she wasn't responding back to me or her brother and I become worried for her safety more and more everyday, the guys and me were sitting in catering when I seen Bray and his band of brothers walk in but I didn't see Grace at first until a few minutes after they sat down. She didn't look like her normal self, her hair was in a messy bun and she was wearing a jacket that was little to big for her with a short short that showed off her stomach and a pair of short shorts. She definitely looked cute with the way she looked, I nudged Colby's shoulder which made him look at me wierd.

Colby: what's up with you man?

Jonathan: nothing, your sister just looks really cute today though

Colby: Grace...where is she at Jon?

Jonathan: she is over there sitting next to Braun and the others

I watched as he stood up and walked over to them so he could talk to her, I don't know what was said but I seen Braun stand up and place his hand around Colby's throat and picked him up but Grace said something that calmed Braun down and he put Colby back down and they left her alone to talk to Colby, I walked over to them and tried to talk to her but she got up and ran away before I could say anything to her and I noticed that Colby looked sad.

Jonathan: what did she say to you?

Colby: she said that she didn't want me to worry about her anymore and that she was fine.

Jonathan: that night she left with them  she told me that Braun slapped her and bruised her face, you don't think they are abusing her do you bro?

Colby: I don't know but we need to get her away from them, just in case they are mistreating her, I'm breaking the promise that I made to mom and dad.

I watched as he walked away then punched the wall before he went around the corner, I felt Joe put his hand on my shoulder before he stood in front of me.

Joe: she's going to be just fine, lets go get ready for our match man.

We walked to our locker room and got ready then walked to the ring. We was halfway through the match when the lights turned off for a minute, when the lights turned came back on I noticed that our opponents was gone and Grace was standing in the ring in front of me, she gave me a sweet smile as I slowly walked towards her, I placed both my hands on her shoulders and started talking to her.

Jonathan: hey sweetie, are you okay?

Grace: yeah I'm okay I just wanted to tell you not to worry about me babe and I'm sorry for everything, I love you.

Jonathan: this isn't your fault baby and I love you too, what are you sorry for?

Grace: I'm sorry for what could happen to you, I never wanted any of this for you three, it's all my fault.

Joe and Colby got in the ring and we surrounded her when we heard Bray and the two of his 'brothers' coming out to the ring, we was still protecting Grace when I felt her wrap her arms around my waist and laid her head on my back, little did I know that they were there to distract us from Braun who climbed in the ring and made Grace get out of the ring while he attacked Joe and Colby, I stood there wondering where Grace went when I seen her fighting to get away from Luke and Erick while they held onto her arms, I looked back over at Braun and tried to take him down but my attacks didn't do anything but make things worse when I felt him slamming me hard into the mat, I watched as Grace finally got away from them and got in the ring to come check on us but was grabbed by Braun and he put her on his shoulder then got out of the ring and they all walked backstage again.

my saving graceWhere stories live. Discover now