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They had her. I seen her tied up to that damn rocking chair that he sits in almost every night, I noticed the sad expression on her face, I needed to find her before one of them did something to my beautiful girlfriend.

Bray: follow the buzzards!

I slid out of the ring and started running backstage and begun looking for her. I seen a dark area and begun looking there, I seen her sitting in the rocking chair like before, she was struggling to get her hands and feet out of the ropes that held her down I walked over to her and untied the rope from around her legs.

Jonathan: they didn't hurt you did they?

Grace: no they didn't hurt me.

I freed her legs and placed my hands on both sides of her face and kissed her. I heard a shuffle behind me but ignored it thinking that it may have been one of the guys coming from the ring, but I noticed the fear on Grace's face after I pulled away and grabbed the rope that was bound to her hand.

Bray: well well well, what have we here? It seems one of the hounds have fell for our trap...little did I know that the pretty young girl was in love with one of them. Get him boys!

Grace: No! Leave him alone, take me instead...

Bray: look the pretty girl has a soft spot for him, are you sure this us what you want? With a pretty face like that you'll be such a distraction to the enemy.

Grace: yes I'm sure, just don't hurt him.

Bray: done! Drop him boys, we have a new family member and we should get her ready for the ceremony back home.

Bray untied her from the chair and she stood up slowly before looking at me.

Jonathan: Grace please don't do this!

I was laying on the floor after getting attacked by Bray's so called family when I seen Grace walk over to me and got down on her knees, I sat up against a crate and looked at her as a tear rolled down her cheek slowly.

Grace: I want you to tell my brother not to come looking for me because I'm going to be okay.

Jonathan: please don't do this Grace.

Grace: hey it's gonna be okay...

Bray: time to go sweetie, we must leave now.

Grace: I love you so much Jon...

She gave me another kiss before she disappeared with the Wyatt family. I felt like my heart was just ripped out of my chest as I watched her walk away, the guys finally come around the corner after they all left the arena.

Joe: what happened to you?

Jonathan: the Wyatt's, they attacked me by surprise.

Colby: where is Grace?

Jonathan: she left with them willingly, she did it to save my ass from anymore attacks from them.

I stood up slowly and walked to the locker room and got my things ready and was about to leave the arena when Stephanie knocked on the door.

Jonathan: I know you come here to yell at me for what just happened and I shouldn't have brought her here and non of this would have happened.

Stephanie: well I'm glad that you recognize bad behavior when it's there but I didn't come to yell at you for it, I actually think this will be a great storyline now and it will end the night you six fight each other on the upcoming pay per view event.

Jonathan: what just happened was off script and you really want to add Grace in the feud? You're kidding right!?

Stephanie: I know that it was off script but the fans loved it alot. I will run it by the Wyatt family right now.

She walked away after she called Bray, I couldn't believe that she was doing this to Grace, she wasn't even an employee here and Stephanie wanted to expose her before she even got a contract signing with the company.

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