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I was almost asleep when I heard someone lightly knock on the door, I got out of bed then opened the door and seen Colby standing there. I moved out of the way and watched as he walked in the room then sat down.

Grace: so did you have a good night?

Colby: yeah sure if you consider getting speared by a three hundred plus pound guy a good night than yes I did.

Grace: okay, so are we going to share a room or are you going to get another room for either me or you tonight?

Colby: yeah, I will go get me a room. So you can have this room since you already got your clothes out of the bag. I will see you in the morning so good night Grace and let me know if you need anything during the night.

I watched as he left the room and waited for twenty minutes before I text Jonathan and let him know that Colby went downstairs and got a room to himself, I had started dating dean a little over three months now and managed to keep it from Colby because I didn't know how he would react to me dating one of his friends. I opened the door back up and seen Jonathan standing there, I moved out of the way and let him come in then made sure Colby didn't seen him before I shut the door and walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his neck while we kissed.

Jonathan: I've been waiting all day to kiss you

Grace: me too and I hate having to keep us a secret especially around my brother, I don't know how he is going to act once he finds out that we've been dating for the past three months.

Jonathan: tomorrow will be four months, I think I should tell him babe, he is going to find out eventually.

Grace: I know he will eventually find out but I don't want you and him fighting because of a decision I made. I will tell him tomorrow morning I promise, okay Jonathan?

Jonathan: okay babe just tell him soon because I'm tired of sneaking around behind his back like this Grace.

Grace: I know you are baby and I don't like it anymore than you do...give me a couple days to tell him and maybe give him a day to calm down in case he gets pissed at both of us.

Jonathan: yeah that's a good idea

Grace: I love you Jonathan.

Jonathan: I love you too Grace.

We watched a movie together before I fell asleep in his arms...which felt nice until he left the room that way Colby wouldn't catch him coming out of the room before he woke up later on...

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