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Its been a month since my sister told me that she would be going to California with Jonathan and I know I should be happy for them but I wasn't, he dated women in the past and eventually broke their hearts I was just waiting for the day that he broke my sister's heart, Stephanie had gave us all some time off which I wanted because I don't think that I could have kept pushing my body, I was at home watching tv while I rested up until we had to go back which wouldn't be much longer. I was about to fall asleep when I got a text on my phone, I was hoping that it would be from Grace telling me that Jon cheated on her but it wasn't.

Joe: hey are you still at home?

Colby: yeah, why what's up?

Joe: I was in town with my daughter and was wondering if you wanted to meet up with us

Colby: yeah sure, where are you at?

Joe: a place called Mickey's pizza

Colby: alright see you in a few.

I got off the couch and put on a warm outfit because it was winter time in Iowa and it had started snowing a little too, I walked out to my car and headed to meet Joe at the pizzeria, I seen him and his daughter sitting inside eating a large cheese pizza.

Colby: hey Joe and Jojo, how have you been doing sweetheart?

Joelle: hey mister Colby! I've been good.

Colby: alright Joe what is the real reason that you are here? I know it wasn't for a large cheese pizza cause you could have got one back in your hometown.

Joe: alright you caught me but don't be mad at me or your sister and Jonathan but he told me that they are getting place in Florida and will be moving in together.

Colby: are you serious right now?

Joe: I thought you should know since she is your sister and she didn't want me to tell you so when she does can you act surprised...

Colby: I was hoping that they would break up with each other because of him cheating but it doesn't look like that is going to happen anytime soon. Thanks for telling me that Joe.

Joe: I know that he has cheated in the past but you should be happy for your sister man, she loves Jon and I don't think he will cheat on her Colby.

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