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I watched as Braun literally bulldozed through Colby, Joe and Jon while Luke and Erick held my arms and I was forced to watch him take them down, they finally let me go and I got in the ring to check on them all when Braun grabbed me and placed me on his shoulder before he got out of the ring, they walked backstage and back to the locker room, Braun finally put me down but only to pin me up against the floor, Bray made him get off of me and they left me there to think about what I did wrong, I hated being in this stupid storyline because they have abused me everyday since I left with them, I would wear clothes that were way to big for me but was enough to hide all the bruises that covered my arms and my back. I noticed that I was alone so I grabbed my things and I started looking for Jonathan but found Joe instead which I was happy about finding one of the guys, I walked up behind him and tapped him on his shoulder and waited for him to turn around

Grace: I need your help Joe, can we go somewhere private and talk alone?

Joe: sure Grace I know the perfect spot.

I felt him grab my wrist and we walked to his rental car and we talked there, he locked the car after I got in, the windows were tinted which was a good thing that way nobody could see me sitting in the car with him.

Joe: so what's going on kiddo?

Grace: I need to get away from them Joe, they have abused everyday since I joined them.

Joe: is that why you wear clothes that are to big for you Grace?

Grace: yeah and I didn't want to worry you guys since you three have a match against them in a couple of days, I don't want you guys to get hurt because of me. This is all my fault...

Joe: hey don't blame yourself Grace, this isn't your fault baby girl, Stephanie had it done this way but it will be over my dead body when I let you go back to them again sweetheart, I will have a talk with Stephanie once we get to the hotel and you're coming with us, I'm not letting you leave my sight again.

Grace: thank you for everything Joe.

Joe: you're welcome Grace, if you ever need anything don't be scared to ask.

I seen him unlock the doors letting Colby and Jon in the back seat after they put their bags in the back then Joe started driving out of the arena.

Colby: it's to bad we couldn't bring Grace with us this time, I miss her riding along with us. Hey Joe who is sitting next to you?

Joe: I don't know, she needed a ride to the hotel so I decided to help her out, what is your name anyway sweetie?

I laughed at him before I took the hood off my head and looked back at my brother, I have never seen him so happy like he was right now

Colby: aww my baby sister, I've missed you so much! How did you get away from them Grace?

Grace: easy, they left me alone so I went looking for Jon but found Joe instead, I don't want to talk about what they did to me everyday since I left you guys but Joe knows everything so he can tell you later.

We finally got to the hotel and I got a room by myself, I didn't want to be around anyone right now and the guys made sure they got rooms close to me just in case Bray or any of his so called family tried something. I laid down on the bed and fell asleep in no time without anyone bothering me and nobody tried to break down the door just to get to me during the night.

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