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After we got to the hotel I got a room that had two beds and got the key while Grace was walking close behind me, we finally made it to our room and I opened the door then allowed her to walk in before me and that was when I heard my name being called, I looked over and seen Colby walk toward me and I could tell that he was pissed just by the way he called me.

Colby: can I talk to you alone please?

Jonathan: whatever you got to say Colby you can say it in front of Grace as well, I haven't kept anything from her and I'm sure as hell not going to start now so unless its about me and her being together than I suggest you drop it because we are adults here and she can be with whoever she wants

Colby: alright well since you know what is best for her, I don't want to hear her come crying to me when you break her heart by cheating on her.

Grace: he would never do that to me Colby because he loves me so much.

Colby: well you need to ask everyone that he slept around with in the past.

I watched as he walked away and back towards his room while Grace looked at me with a sad expression.

Grace: what did he mean by that Jon?

Jonathan: I was a bad drunk before I met you and your brother and Joe dealt with my crap when I was like that and I dated a few females around that time but I didn't love them like the way I love you Grace and I would never cheat on you because I'm done hurting women like that, you're the one I want to spend my forever with baby.

Grace: I never knew that about you but I can't judge you for what you have done in the past just as long as you promise not to do it while me and you are dating. I love you Jonathan and I never want to lose you because you mean so much to me and words can't describe the way I feel about you.

Jonathan: well I love you too Grace and I will never in a million years break your heart because you mean alot to me and I can't describe it. Lets go get a bite to eat from my favourite place, I think you will love it sweetie.

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