twenty two

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After I left the Wyatt's locker room I went back to my brother's and his friend's locker room then sat down on the couch, I looked down at my belly and thought back to that night, I should have stopped him and I wouldn't be pregnant because he clearly didn't want to be a father right now, hell we wasn't even emgaged and probably never would get married to each other. I felt tears swelling up in my eyes then I heard the door open up and seen Jon walking in, he looked at me and went straight into the changing room and left the door open, Colby grabbed his clothes then got a shower I seen Joe walk over to me then sat down beside me and held me while I started crying

Joe: don't stress over it Grace, its not good for the baby. Tell me what's on your mind sweetheart, I'm listening.

Grace: Jon hates me now because I am pregnant with our child and I don't think we will be together much longer.

I seen Colby walk out of the shower already dressed and ready to leave.

Joe: well if Jon didn't want you getting pregnant that night than he could have kept his stuff in his pants, right Colby?

Colby: yeah that's true and who cares if he is pissed that you are pregnant, you're going to be a great mom and you won't be raising my niece or nephew alone because me and Joe will always be here to help you out Grace.

Colby sat down on the other side of me then him and Joe gave me a hug at the same time which calmed me down.

Grace: you two always know how to cheer a girl up and I love you both, you're like another brother to me Joe.

Joe: that's what family is for kiddo and don't worry about Jon, he will come around just give him some space.

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