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After we got to the hotel, I handed Grace the room key and made sure she got to the room without getting lost, after we found the room I walked inside then I put her bag on the bed and sat down while she went through her bag

Colby- look Grace I know that you don't like staying in hotels like this when we are on the road, I just don't want you to get hurt that's all and I can't take you to the arena either because Stephanie will be pissed off

Grace- it's fine Colby, I know you don't want me to get hurt. I really don't mind staying here while you are at the arena.

I stood up and walked over to her then gave her a hug before I left the hotel room and got back in the car with Joe and Jonathan then started driving us all towards the arena.

Joe- so you're really making her stay at the hotel room until we leave later tonight?

Colby: yes! okay I know what's best for her and being at the arena isn't a suitable place for her to hang out at.

Joe- I know you want what's best for her Colby but you need to accept the fact that she isn't a little girl anymore.

Colby- I have accepted that fact Joe, I just can't get fired for her being in any arena with me, you guys know how Stephanie and her family can get if any of us allow someone to bring a family member there, especially if they get hurt.

Joe- you're right, the decision is yours to make but don't come to us if she doesn't want to be anywhere near you one day.

I parked the car and we all got out and took our things out of the back then headed inside the arena and went to our locker room to practice. I text Grace after we rehearsed multiple times and checked on her, she text back shortly after saying that she was fine, I smiled and placed my phone with my other things, I got a shower then got dressed before I made my way out to the ring with Joe and Jon, we would start a feud with the Wyatt family soon and I wasn't looking forward to it because it would last all the way up to the pay per view which was 2 and half months away from now.

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