thirty two

89 17 0

I moved back in with Jonathan and he was doing good at keeping his word and was even more sweeter to ne than what he was before, I guess Colby kicking his face into a pile of steel chairs made Jon realize a good thing when he had it, he was watching our son while I was hanging out at the spa with my friend Ariel

Grace: this is so relaxing, we should do this more often Ari

Ariel: oh hell yeah, so Grace how are things between you and Jonathan?

Grace: things are great, I guess my brother knocked some sense into him.

Ariel: I haven't seen your brother in awhile, how is he doing?

Grace: he is good, he will be in town soon if you wanna come to the house and hang out until he gets here.

Ariel: sure let's get the hell out of here, I want to go shopping before we leave, I need to look good before your brother gets here, I want to look good.

Grace: I can't believe my best friend has a crush on my brother.

Ariel: well he shouldn't be so damn sexy.

Grace: he deserves to be happy he has dated the wrong women in the past and I hate that he hasn't found a nice girl yet, if you live him so much than you should tell him how you feel.

Ariel: I don't know, what if he turns me down?

Grace: trust me he won't turn you down. Lets go get you a sexy outfit that will make him keep his eyes on you the entire time.

I found the perfect dress and she looked good enough in it but we needed to test it out first and it worked because she had all the guys checking her out on the way back to the car. She drove to my house and we walked inside and I seen Colby sitting on the couch holding J.D. while he pulled on his beard and hair while he laughed at him, I moved his hands and put him on the floor then gave him a hug as Ariel was walking inside.

Ariel: hey Colby.

Colby: oh hey Ari-- wow you look gorgeous

Ariel: thank you Colby, you look handsome too

I gave her a thumbs up and walked away after I picked up J.D.  and took him to his room then went looking for Jonathan, I walked in our room and seen him sitting on the edge of our bed with a giant box next to him.

Grace: what's in the box baby?

Jonathan: oh I don't know, why don't you find out? Go ahead and open it.

I took the top off and seen a small puppy sitting there looking up at me

Grace: aww baby, did you do this?

Jonathan: well yeah I got roses for you and seen this little one after I left the flower shop.

Grace: I love you so much Jon and I'm glad that I have such a sweet guy like you, I wouldn't want you to change a single thing about you baby...

Jonathan: I would do anything to keep you happy Grace because I never want to lose you again, you mean everything to me and I will never hurt you again. I love you so much sweetheart...

He placed his hands on both my cheeks then leaned down and gave me very passionate kisses on my lips.

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