thirty three

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Three years ago when I started working for WWE as a makeup artist I met Colby after me and Grace become friends. I fell in love with him the first time I met him but that's crazy right, love at first sight? That kind of thing only existed in fairy tales and fantasy...but who was I kidding thinking someone that good looking would fall for a nerd like me, he probably had a girlfriend just as good looking as him and I couldn't compete with a girl with good looks.

I was spending the day with Grace when she told me that Colby would be at her and Jonathan's house and invited me to come with her, I haven't seen him in six months because I had went back to school so I could start doing other things besides makeup so I agreed to tag along with her as she went back to her house but not before we got me a cute outfit so I could get the attention of her brother, after we got to her place I seen as she hugged her brother then I said something.

Ariel: hey Colby....

Colby: oh hey Ari-- wow you look gorgeous!

Ariel: thank you Colby.

Grace picked her baby up and took him in the other room after she gave me a thumbs up then I seen her walk into another room across from the one she just walked out of.

Ariel: I haven't seen you in a while, how have you been doing?

Colby: I've been good, how about you?

Ariel: I have been good...

It got a bit awkward after that because I couldn't think of anything else to say to so we stood there staring at each other before he sat down.

Colby: so Grace tells me that you went back to school.

Ariel: yeah, I thought I would try my hand at fashion but I'm not very good at it so I guess I will try to get my job back at the WWE but it probably won't happen so I guess I will stick with the job that I have now which it sucks.

Colby: you're must be pretty good at putting clothes together just by the way you are looking right now.

Ariel: what this thing? I didn't pick it out, you're sister found it actually.

Colby: I should have known, she was always good at things like that, I wish she would go to school and design clothes, maybe make a career out of it.

Ariel: yeah she always good at putting things together....

Colby: yeah, I was wondering if you wanted to leave here and go hang out alone some where, you pick the place.

Ariel: I don't know Colby, wouldn't your girlfriend get mad about that?

Colby: who me? I'm single and if I want to hang out with you than I will.

Ariel: okay, how about dinner and a movie?

Colby: okay its a date than, come on.

I felt him intertwine his fingers with mine as we walked outside and got in his vehicle and left their house.

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