twenty six

99 16 0

A few months have passed and me and Joe was sitting in the lobby while Jonathan was with Grace in the delivery room, she was due to give birth at any minute, I was excited and worried at the same time. I couldn't sit down long enough because I needed to know that Grace and the baby was okay but I guess I was making Joe nervous from me pacing back and forth.

Joe: relax man, everything is going to be fine, I will get us both a cup of coffee, Stay here and try to relax.

I sat down and tried to relax, I got on my twitter and instagram page and was reminded of Grace's pregnancy on both sites so I got off and pushed my phone back in my pocket and headed for the gift shop and got a few gifts for my sister and my nephew. The head nurse told me that I could go see her because she had already had the baby, I walked in the room and seen her sitting up in bed while she held the baby and Jonathan was sitting in a chair next to her bed. I lightly knocked on the door and seen them looking up at me

Grace: hey, come meet your nephew.

Colby: oh wow, he is handsome like his uncle. You guys did an excellent job.

Jonathan: thanks man, it really means alot coming from you brother...does this mean that can accept my relationship with Grace now?

I looked over at her and seen the happiness in her eyes then she gave me a sweet smile then down at my nephew before I looked back at Jon.

Colby: yeah man, I do now that I see how happy you make and I don't want to see her unhappy and if you two get married I would be proud to call you my brother for life Jonathan.

Jonathan: that means alot man, Im glad you finally see how happy she is.

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