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I put the last thing in my bag and heard a knock on the door, I turned around and seen Colby leaning against the door, I forgot that I left the door open, I turned back around and zipped up my bag and was about to pick it up when I seen Colby take it from me.

Grace: I can carry my own my bag, It's not that heavy Colby please let go.

Colby: I don't mind carrying it for you Grace, just go turn your key in and meet me at the car, I will be there in a few and we can finish talking about what you was going to finish before my phone interrupted our talk.

I walked away from him and headed to the car that he rented, I seen Jon leaning up against the truck he rented like he was waiting for someone, I was almost to Colby's car when I felt Jon grab my arm and pulled me towards him before we back over to his rental vehicle, he opened the door and sat me in the seat then placed his hoodie on me that way my brother wouldn't see me while we made out with each other. I seen him walking to his car while I still had my arms around Jon's neck.

Grace: I better go before he starts looking for me, I will tell him about us while he is driving to the next city.

Jonathan: okay baby, I will be following behind you two just in case he does something stupid. I will see you at the hotel.

Grace: okay baby I love you so much.

Jonathan: I love you more mini me.

I gave him another quick kiss before I walked away from him and gave his hoodie back to him then walked over to Colby's vehicle and got inside.

Colby: I was about to go look for you. Where did you disappear to?

Grace: oh you know me...I got lost looking for your car but it's okay.

Colby: typical Grace, anyways are you ready to get to the next city kiddo?

Grace: yeah let's get the hell out of here!

After thirty minutes of driving on the interstate he finally brings it back up.

Colby: so what were you going to tell me back at the gym this morning?

Grace: right well I will tell you but you can't get mad at me when I say it Colby.

Colby: okay I won't get mad at you Grace, how bad can it really be?

Grace: well that depends on how you take it.

Colby: just tell me already Grace.

Grace: okay well Jonathan and me have been dating for four months now.

He slammed on brakes and I knew he was pissed about me telling him that.

Colby: are you serious Grace?! I'm very disappointed in you and I will be having a chat with him as soon as we get to the hotel in the next city until than I don't want to speak to you anymore tonight Grace?! Get out!

I unbuckled the seat belt and got out of the car and stood on the side of the interstate while I watched as he drove away while he left me standing here, I was glad that I had my phone on me...I pulled it out of my pocket and sent Jon a text and seen him pulling up in front of me, I grabbed my bag and quickly got in the truck and shut the door as he started driving to the next city.

Jonathan: I am just going to guess that he didn't take it very well, what did he say?

Grace: he said that he will be having a chat with you just as soon as you got to the hotel in the city and he didn't want to hear anything from me tonight then he left me on the side of a busy interstate so here I am with you.

Jonathan: it's going to be okay baby, he just needs time to calm down, this whole thing will blow over once he sees how happy that we are together and as far as him chatting with me well that's going to have to wait because I won't be staying at the same hotel with him.

Grace: what do you mean?

Jonathan: we are heading to the city that I live, I am going home and you my dear are coming with me as well.

Grace: you can't hide from him forever, you will eventually have to talk to him about us, so lets go to the hotel and we can get a room together.

Jonathan: I guess you're right but I will go home before we leave for the next city.

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