twenty seven

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Grace and I had finally agreed on which luxury RV that we wanted, it was big enough for us, the baby, her brother and Joe. She asked Joe to be the godfather just in case something happened to us or Colby and couldn't take care of him anymore, we decided on naming him Jonathan Daniel Good jr. or J.D. for short, he had my first name and Colby's middle name. I was on the way to pick Colby up so he could help me pick out an engagement ring for Grace, I was going to propose to her after me and him went to pick up the RV, he would be driving the rental car back while I drove the RV to the car lot so Colby could ride back to the hotel so we could get Grace, our son and Joe before we began our long trip from Tampa all the way to Las Vegas...Joe, Colby and myself agreed on taking turns driving there while Grace took care of the baby the entire way there, we would also make frequent stops if  we ever got hungry on the way there.

I let Joe drive for a while I went to check on Grace and our son, Colby was already fast asleep in his bed, I walked to our room and seen Grace feeding the baby while she watched tv

Jonathan: hey baby, how is he doing?

Grace: he is almost asleep, I'm about to put him in his crib after he finishes eating, what are the other two doing?

Jonathan: oh your brother fell asleep about an hour ago and Joe is driving so I thought I would come check on you two.

Grace: are you tired baby?

Jonathan: yeah but I can stay awake if you need me to help you with him babe.

Grace: oh no, you get some rest Jon, I'm going to go keep Joe company so you can get some rest, J.D will be out for awhile I fed him warm milk but if he starts crying just come and get me.

Jonathan: you should get some rest too baby, come lay down with me.

Grace: okay baby, let me tell Joe to park at the nearest rest stop that way he can get some sleep too and I will come back and we can cuddle while we watch a movie together.

I watched as she went to tell Joe to park the RV so he could get some rest then she come back to bed and we both fell asleep while we watched a movie together like we always do.

I watched as she went to tell Joe to park the RV so he could get some rest then she come back to bed and we both fell asleep while we watched a movie together like we always do

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