twenty eight

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I had woke up late and noticed that Jonathan wasn't in the bed next to me so I got dressed in one of his shirts and a pair of my shorts before I went towards the front, I seen Colby holding the baby but Joe and Jon wasn't on the RV anywhere so I sat down next to Colby while he was feeding J.D

Grace: hey bro, where is Joe and Jon?

Colby: oh Joe is putting gas in the RV while Jon is getting a few boxes of pizza, he will be back in a few with the food so cool your hormones lover girl.

Grace: oh you're one to talk about hormones Colby, when was the last time you seen your girlfriend anyway?

Colby: yeah about her, I won't be talking to her anymore because she text me a picture of her making out with some guy at the bar last night while I was sleeping, so I'm single once again.

Grace: I'm sorry Colby but she was trashy anyway and you will find a nice girl one day and who knows that day might be today, you don't deserve to be hurt the way you do because you're way to nice of a person to deal with women like your now ex girlfriend.

Colby: yeah, you're right Grace...that special someone is out there I just need to find her first.

I gave him a hug then seen Jon walking inside and he placed the pizza on the counter and Joe got back on a few minutes after Jon did then started driving to the nearest rest stop that way we could eat together. It got dark quick and we was two states away from our destination so Colby decided to pull up into a rest stop so he get some rest, Joe had fallen asleep a few hours ago which left me and Jon awake alone, I put J.D. to bed a few minutes ago so me and decided to go get a coffee together that way we could get a good night's sleep.

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