twenty nine

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I was at home getting ready to head to the arena, because I was going to surprise the guys by supporting them at ringside, I grabbed J.D and placed him in the car seat then put him in my SUV. The show was 3 hours away and it was already 3:30 in the afternoon, me and Jonathan got our own place after the guys no longer wrestled together but that didn't stop me from supporting them though, Jonathan proposed to me a few days ago and I said yes of course! Anyway I left the house after I locked the door and made my way to the arena, I bought a ringside ticket when I got there and found my seat. I placed J.D.'s car seat next to me and held him. My brother had a match with Jonathan and it got interrupted of course but they both walked over to me and we talked for a few minutes.

Colby: I thought you wasn't coming?

Grace: surprise!

Jonathan: are you coming backstage?

Grace: of course, I will see you guys back there in a few.

He kissed our son on the head and walked backstage and I got a camera pointed at my face so I waved at it then heard Joe's music playing which he gave me a hug before he slid in the ring, he would be going against Bray, he was no longer joined by his band of brothers because they all split up. He seen me and smiled before he got in the ring and the match was over in a matter of seconds because Joe speared him then pinned him. I walked backstage and seen Colby coming out of his locker room, I had to get used to the guys not being a team anymore because Colby turned his back on them and joined the authority.

Colby: hey baby sis, did you enjoy the show?

Grace: yeah it was a bit weird seeing my brother fight my man, but I guess its for the best considering you are the champ now...congratulations by the way.

Colby: thank you Grace, but me turning my back on the guys was staged, its not like we quit talking because we are still really good friends and speaking of the guys here they come.

I turned around and seen Joe and Jon walking over towards me and Colby.

Grace: hey guys, that was a great match out there, congrats on your win Joe.

Joe: thank you kiddo, so what happened? I thought you wouldn't be able to come to the show tonight.

Grace: well I wanted to surprise you guys, just because you three aren't a team anymore doesn't mean that I'm going to stop supporting you guys. We are all family remember?

Joe: yeah I remember and we always will be no matter what happens.

Jonathan: lets get out of here and get some food and hand me my little mini me.

Colby: I thought my sister was your 'mini me'

Jonathan: naw, she's the reason I look forward to coming home.

Grace: aww you're so sweet baby, I love you.

I went and got my SUV and pulled in the parking lot then I could get J.D. ready, Jonathan rode with me while I followed the other two so we could get something to eat before I left.

Jonathan: are you going to start traveling with us again baby?

Grace: I don't know Jon, with J.D. growing up fast and he will start teething soon, I don't think I will.

Jonathan: but I miss you babe, this is the first time we have been in the same vehicle together in two days, imagine if you haven't seen me in an entire month.

Grace: I understand what you mean Jon but I would have to pull the car over and check on him every thirty minutes baby. I miss you too babe and I love you can we please just go inside because I don't want to argue with you.

Jonathan: I don't need this right now, I wish me and you never started dating and we wouldn't have a kid together.

Grace: are you serious right now Jon?!

He looked at me with a mad look.

Jonathan: you shouldn't have come tonight, I'm getting my things and riding to the next city with the guys, go back home Grace and by home I mean your brother's house, we're done Grace and I want you out of my house...

Grace: fine if that's what you want than I will move back in with my brother but don't speak to me again!

I got out of the SUV and told my brother and Joe that I was leaving while I tried not to cry, I walked back outside and seen Jon getting his bags out of my car then put it in the back of the vehicle Joe and Colby rode in.

Jonathan: everything that I had in your car is out so get out of here Grace, I never want to see you again.

I pulled the engagement ring off and walked over to Jon then placed it in his hand.

Grace: I hope you find what you're looking for in life Jon and just know that I would never change a single thing that happened between us.

Jonathan: Grace I---

Grace: goodbye Jonathan, I forgive you and wish you the best from this moment on, have a nice life.

I got in the SUV and left him standing there, I didn't look back because I would just turn around and run back into his arms and he already made it clear that he no longer wanted me in his life, I never knew how hard goodbyes would hurt until now, I drove back to Jon's house and packed everything that was mine which was mostly clothes and three or four pair of shoes, I left a little note on the counter and locked the house up after I put my things in the back of my vehicle then placed the spare key to his house under his door mat then made my long trip back to Iowa with our only son, I knew it was going to be hard for me since I would have no help raising him all by myself but I knew that I could do it because I didn't need anyone to help me.

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