twenty three

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Its been five weeks since I told Jon that I was pregnant with his child and he still hasn't talked to me yet, I was beginning to think that he never would talk to me again and I had accepted that fact. I was at the hotel with my brother, Joe and Jon of course, they finally got the Wyatt's to leave me alone after they won their match against them and Stephanie threatened to fire them if they bothered me again, I was about to walk to Colby's room when I heard a knock on the door so I opened the door and seen him standing there, he was holding a bundle of red roses and a box of chocolates in his hands.

Grace: you do know that roses and chocolates aren't going to make up for this right?

Jonathan: I know that but it's a start, can I make it up to you please Grace? I was wrong for getting mad at you, I never want to make you feel like I hate you because I don't hate you, I care for you and well if you're going to keep the baby than I don't want him or her growing up without the father there.

Grace: you're too cute baby, come in and sit down, I can't stay mad at you.

He walked inside and laid the chocolates and the roses down on the table that was next to the room door.

Grace: so what made you decide to get roses and chocolates anyways babe?

Jonathan: well to be honest a homeless guy was selling both so I thought I would do my good deed for the day and help him out so I bought everything he had and gave the rest away to every crying female that I seen then thought of you so here I am!

Grace: you're such a sweetheart, I love you so much baby.

Jonathan: so does this make up for the hurt I put you through because I never meant to make you cry Grace, I was just scared...I don't want to be like my dad was and I don't want to lose you either, you mean the world to me Gra--

Grace: you will never be your father and I am scared too baby but not of being a mother but scared that one day I won't be good enough and that you will leave your family and I never want that. I love you Jonathan and when you quit talking to me I thought that you would never speak to me again and that hurt me so bad babe.

Jonathan: I love you and I didn't realize that you felt that way, can I hold you Grace?

Grace: please...

Jonathan: I'm so sorry baby, it's going to be okay now...I will never put you through that ever again and I will prove it to you baby girl. I love you.

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