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It's been several weeks since Grace has been home, she told what happened between her and Jonathan and I was beyond pissed at him, he broke up with her and broke her heart once again but she confessed to me that she was still in love with him.

We was sitting in my locker room, I watched as she was feeding my nephew, Jon hadn't spoken to Grace since that night and she looked like a lost puppy without him in her life so I decided to take matters into my own hands because it broke my heart seeing her that way, he had a son to think about and it wasn't fair to Grace not have any help from Jonathan. I got up and stormed out of my locker and went to his and started pounding  on the hard, he opened the door and walked out into the hallway while he stared me in the face.

Jonathan: what the hell do you want?

Colby: I want to know what your damn problem is?

Jonathan: I don't know what you are talking about but I have a match next so if you excuse me...

He was about to walk back in his locker room when I grabbed him by his shirt and pushed him up against the wall then we started fighting right there until a few refs separated us and Stephanie seen it and made us fight it out in the ring which was now.

I stormed out to the ring with microphone in my hand started trash talking Jonathan and he come out as soon as I finished talking about him. He got in the ring and he git in my face and we started talking to each other about my baby sister and J.D.

Colby: you've broke her heart and all she ever did was love you Jon, she's raising your son without your help, when are you going to grow a pair and be a man? she cries herself to sleep every night wishing you was still by her side. You got her pregnant and this is how you're going to treat her, she can do a hell of alot better than you.

He didn't say anything after I said that, he pushed me and we started fighting again, I got out of the ring and threw a bunch of chairs in the center of it and slammed him on top of the chairs, he slowly got back up and I pushed my foot into his head and curbstomped his face into the chairs not caring how much damage it caused him because he deserved every bit of pain he was feeling for the hurt he was putting Grace through. I was told that he was sent to the hospital cause he got a bad concussion and Grace wanted to go stay with him so they could talk. I stayed in the lobby with J.D. while she went and talked with Jonathan.

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