thirty four

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I went back to Grace and Jonathan's place after I took Ariel home where we both exchanged phone numbers. I noticed that the place had destroyed, the furniture had been ripped and thrown to one side and the kitchen floor was covered in dishes, I immediately started looking for Jonathan and Grace to find out what happened, I couldn't find Grace anywhere and Jonathan was laying on their bedroom floor, I heard J.D crying and went into his room and picked him up then went and checked on Jon.

Colby: Jonathan what the hell happened here and where is my sister?

He sat and looked up at me then slowly stood up and went looking around the house, I assumed that he was looking for Grace and when he couldn't find her he went in the kitchen and had a meltdown about it.

Colby: where is Grace at Jon?

Jonathan: they took her...

Colby: who took her?

Jonathan: Bray had it done, he said that nobody would find her.

Colby: we can find her and we are leaving now, go pack some of her clothes along with yours and I will get everything that J.D needs.

Jonathan: okay, I think we should pick Joe up that way we can have the extra help and his wife can watch J.D. until we get back from saving Grace.

I placed J.D. in his car seat and put him in Grace's SUV, Jonathan called Joe and explained to him what happened so he agreed to help us out, after we got Joe I left J.D. with Joe's wife then started tracking device in Grace's phone and I parked the vehicle outside of an abandoned warehouse and we walked inside, Jon wanted to split up we decided on looking for her together, after five minutes of us being there I heard Bray's creepy ass laugh as it echoed throughout the warehouse then heard Grace screaming really loud, we followed the sounds and seen her hands tied while she was hanging from an old hook that was attached to the ceiling, I didn't seen anyone but her and Bray there, me and Joe took Bray out while Jon took Grace down from the hook and untied her hands, her wrists were bleeding and she had a few cuts on her legs that needed urgent attention so Jonathan picked her up and we took her to the hospital, Jonathan sat in the back with her while Joe drove us there. The doctor told us that she was fine and that he gave her medicine that would help calm her down and that he wanted her to stay overnight, Joe called his wife and told her that he was going to stay here with us, Jonathan stayed in the room with her and I looked around the gift shop and seen a card that had a poem about a brother and sister on it and I bought a necklace that said 'I love you' then walked to her room and seen Jon holding her hands in both of his while she was asleep because of the medicine that the doctor gave her.

Jonathan: I failed to protect her...

Colby: don't blame yourself for this, you did everything you could Jon.

Jonathan: I could have fought them better than what I did.

Colby: she is going to be fine Jonathan, she just needs plenty of rest that's all.

Jonathan: I think I should let her go and let her find someone that isn't going to let go through things like this.

Colby: no don't put her through the heartache again, she loves you and you make her happy Jonathan.

Jonathan: what if she doesn't want anything else to do with me when she wakes up?

Colby: she knows you tried to fight to keep her safe, she isn't going to hate you Jonathan because she loves you.

Grace: Colby...?

Colby: I'm here, what do you need?

Grace: I want Jonathan, where is he?

Jonathan: I'm here baby and I'm not going anywhere.

Grace: it hurts so much...

Jonathan: what hurts baby?

Grace: my legs...

I walked and got a nurse so I could tell her that Grace was in pain then I watched as she went in the room and gave her something for the pain. Jonathan and talked for a little bit longer.

Grace: Can you stay with me Jon? I'm scared.

Jonathan: it's okay baby. I'm not going anywhere, get some rest sweetheart.

Grace: can you hold me Jonathan?

I watched as he got in the bed next to her and held her close to him.

Grace: I love you so much Jon...

Jonathan: I love you more Grace...

Jonathan: I love you more Grace

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