twenty one

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I was woke up by my brother after we arrived at the arena, I was about to grab my bag when Jonathan got it before I did, I didn't feel like hearing him disagree with what I had to say so I let him carry it for me. I felt extremely sick on my stomach and felt like vomiting so I ran to the closest women's bathroom and started throwing up in a toilet, I grabbed a paper towel and wet it and wiped my mouth with it then went over it with a dry one as I walked back out of the bathroom, I seen the guys standing there looking at me strange then we started to walk to the guy's locker room so they could get ready, Colby and Jonathan was in the shower while me and Joe stayed near the locker area and talked alone.

Joe: can I ask you something Grace?

Grace: sure you can Joe.

Joe: they can't hear me so don't worry but anyway...are you pregnant Grace?

I let out a deep breath before I answered his question, I seen Colby walk out with a towel wrapped around his waist as he walked to the dressing room and got ready, I knew that the walls were sound proof so they couldn't hear what me and Joe was talking about anyways...

Grace: how did you figure it out?

Joe: I noticed it at the diner before we got here, the way your appetite has picked up and you have been vomiting too, it wasn't hard to figure it out.

Grace: please don't say anything to either of them Joe, I want to tell them when they come back in the room.

Colby walked out of the changing room and Jon walked out of the shower then into the changing room and got ready before they had to go out to the ring, after Jonathan came out he sat down beside me and I heard Joe clearing his throat, I knew what he was getting at so I decided to tell them since they were back in here.

Grace: Jon...Colby I need to tell you two something very important.

Colby: what is it Grace?

Grace: well you're going to be an Uncle because I'm pregnant

Jonathan: are you serious Grace?

Grace: yes Jon I'm very serious.

Colby: why didn't you say something sooner?

Grace: because I know that you will never approve of me being with Jon and I don't want you two fighting either.

I watched as Jonathan got pissed and stormed out of the locker room and I quickly followed him while I tried to stop him which took me a few tries but he eventually stopped walking away from me and looked at me.

Grace: please say something Jon!

Jonathan: I can't deal with this right now Grace just leave me alone!

Grace: but Jon I thought---

I seen Colby and Joe walk over towards us then Jon punched a wall that was made out of wood and put a hole in it before he looked at me again.

Jonathan: you thought wrong Grace, I can't believe that you are pregnant.

Grace: well it's not just my fault, I distinctly remember you being on top of me that night and whether you like it or not Jon this is your child that is growing inside of me right now.

I walked away and was heading back to the locker room when I was stopped by Bray, Luke and Braun.

Bray: hello my beautiful Grace.

Grace: please leave me alone Bray, I'm not in the mood for you or your riddles.

Bray: well you don't have a choice really because your boyfriend isn't here to protect you this time but don't worry we will take good care of you. Braun escort her to our locker room

Grace: don't touch me Braun, I know what you are capable of and I don't want it happening again, I will go with you just don't do that ever again please.

Bray: do as the pretty lady says Braun.

I walked with the guys to their locker room and Bray made me sit down in his rocking chair and I watched as he tied my hands up along with my feet then he placed a piece of tape on my mouth and grabbed a camera that was hooked up to the monitor close to the ring which Colby, Jon and Joe was standing out there calling out the Wyatt's as they tried to get them to go out to the ring with them so they could fight them but it didn't work.

Jonathan: come on Wyatt's, why do you guys always have to hide backstage, are you guys that scared?

Bray: you three are once again out of your minds, how dare you let her down. Tell me something Dean what should happen if you lost her for good this time, would you come save her again or will let her wither into nothing?

I watched as Bray pointed the camera on me and I felt the tears running down my face as I thought the words he told me before he walked away from and went down to the ring.

Jonathan: why are you bothering her? She clearly has nothing to do with this so bring your ass down here like the man you are and fight.

The camera got turned off and Braun untied me from the chair then gently took the take off of my mouth and I left their locker room and headed back to where I was heading before.

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