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~sexual content~

I was sitting outside watching the sun disappearing slowly behind the water when I seen Jon sit down next to me.

Grace: isn't it beautiful Jon? I have always wanted to watch the sunset over the ocean, it's very romantic.

Jonathan: yeah, very beautiful.

I noticed that he was looking at me when he said that, he picked me up bridal style and carried me to the bed and gently laid me down on it before he got on top of me and started kissing me passionately, I wrapped my arms around his neck and placed my hand on his head while I ran my fingers through his hair slowly.

Grace: I love you so much Jon

Jonathan: I love you too Grace

I felt him slide his hands up my shirt and unhook my bra then took it off of me and tossed it on the floor along with my shirt and my bottoms then my panties, I removed his shirt and unfastened his pants then pushed them off his waist along his boxers. He laid his body on top of me then slid himself inside of me as far as he could which caused me to moan loud, I still had my arms around his neck and was looking him in the eyes when I felt him slowly start to slide in and out of me, the pain was unbearable but it eventually went away and I found myself begging him for more, he placed my legs on his shoulders and started thrusting as hard as he could go while we were kissing each other until I felt something warm inside of me then he finally stopped but we stayed in the same position for another ten or fifteen minutes before he laid down beside me then pulled me close to him, I placed my head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat while he ran his fingers in my hair.

Jonathan: you know I was thinking that me and you could get a place of our own Grace, what do you think?

I thought about it for a minute before I said anything to him about it.

Grace: yes Jonathan, I love that but where will we move to baby?

Jonathan: well you are always talking about how you want to move to Florida so I thought we could move there. I know a few places there that are nice but the only problem is when it becomes hurricane season down that way.

Grace: yeah that's true, I don't care where I live as long as we are alone. I missed you everyday when I was with the stupid Wyatt's and I will miss you even more when you will be on the road.

Jonathan: yeah I know but you won't be staying home because you will come along with me on the road sweetheart.

Grace: okay babe, lets get some sleep because you tired me out and I'm sure that you are tired just as much as me.

Jonathan: yeah I am, good night Grace I love you so much.

Grace: I love you too Jonathan.

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