twenty four

97 16 0

I was at the hospital with Grace, today was the day that she found out what the gender of the baby while Jon started looking for him and her a house big enough for them and the baby, I was sitting next to the bed and seen the nurse walk in the room

Nurse: so are you ready to find out the sex of your baby ms. Lopez?

Grace: yes I am...

Nurse: I bet you are excited about becoming a daddy.

Colby: oh I'm not the daddy, I'm the uncle, the daddy is in the middle of house hunting.

Nurse: oh my apologies sir...wait aren't you a wrestler?

Colby: yeah, that's correct.

Nurse: my son is a big fan of you and your buddies, he would be so excited if he seen you sitting here right now, could I get an autograph for him?

Colby: yes of course, do you have a pen and paper?

She handed me a pen and paper and told me her son's name, I seen Grace roll her eyes after I handed the autograph back to the nurse.

Grace: so what is the sex of my baby?

Nurse: well ms. Lopez you are having a little boy, congratulations.

She wiped the gel off of Grace's stomach and we left the hospital after she handed the pictures of the baby.

Colby: so Grace, what are you going to do about going on the road with us?

Grace: well Jon is going to buy an RV for the mean time, its going to be big enough for me, him, the baby and two more adults just in case you and Joe travel with us once we get it

Colby: that sounds good to me, its alot cheaper too at least you don't have to worry about being home sick, but are you both sure it's going to be good for the baby?

Grace: we have considered that Colby and the baby will be fine and he will have both of his parents with him.

Colby: that's true, I guess it's just my protective instinct kicking in that's all.

Grace: you're just being a worried uncle but I still love you Colby.

Colby: I love you too Grace Good, hey that's great now I can start calling you GiGi

Grace: oh whatever if you do than I will start calling you Colbear!

Colby: yeah I wish you would start calling me that and I will prank you every chance that I get.

He parked the car in the parking lot of the hotel and we waited for Joe and Jon to come outside so we could head to the next city.

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