thirty one

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I seen Jonathan laying on the hospital bed while he checked his phone, he looked like he was waiting on a phone call or text, I knocked on the door and watched as he slowly sat up in the bed then looked at me before I walked in and sat down on the bed next to him.

Jonathan: if you came here to rub in the fact that your brother gave me an concussion than I think you should go.

Grace: I didn't come here to do that Jon, I was hoping we could talk about--

Jonathan: about what Grace, us? Sure I miss you but I want you to come on the road with me again like we used to when me and the guys was a team. I was wrong for the things I said to you that night, I didn't mean a word of it and I was wrong for telling you to move out of our house, Colby told me that you have cried yourself to sleep every night since I broke up with you. I didn't know that and I wish I could take it back, can we try again Grace?

Grace: I don't know Jon I---

I felt him grab my hand and looked up at him and seen a few tears running down his face while he looked at me.

Jonathan: I love you Grace and I'm sorry for all the hurt that I caused you, can you please come back home? I need you and I miss you and our son. Can you please let me prove it to you? I want to pick up where we left off at.

Grace: I believe you and I need you too but I swear that this is the last chance that I am going to give you Jon, I love you and we need to get along for the sake of our son, he shouldn't grow up not knowing who his father is baby.

Jonathan: I promise on my life that I will always be here for you both from now on and I will never ever let you go again Grace Lopez because I love you.

Grace: I love you too Jonathan Good.

He gave me a kiss which was interrupted by the doctor walking in the room telling him that he could go home but that he needed to rest for a couple of months, I watched as Jon stood up and walked over to me then slid the engagement ring on my finger then gave me a kiss and a tight hug.

my saving graceWhere stories live. Discover now