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The four of us were on our way to the ring when I heard a beautiful voice singing a sweet melody, I had to know where this angelic voice was coming from which it didn't take me long to find. I slowly opened the door and seen a small young girl singing while she watched our opponents in the ring while they continued calling us out. I turned the light off and we walked in the room while Braun grabbed her and I held a rag over her mouth after I dabbed something on it that would make her pass out cause I didn't want her to scream.

Braun: what do you want me to do with her?

Bray: I've got an idea, bring her with you.

I had the camera guy hand me a camera so I could talk to the guys in the ring while we stayed backstage.

Roman: come on guys! are you going to stay backstage like a bunch of cowards or are you going to come face us man to man?

The guy that gave me the camera told me it was running, I made sure that the pretty young girl was tied up good while she sat in the rocking chair that I used before I turned the camera on and immediately started laughing.

Bray: you guys never cease to amaze me, you see I don't come when one calls me like you three do, am I right? Look at you three, you call yourselves the hounds of justice, but all I see are three young pups that would be lost without their mother there for them.

Roman: what are you talking about Bray? You know that everyone doesn't speak in riddles anymore like you do.

Bray: you three are completely blinded by rage to even notice a pretty face when you see one, so tell me which one is going to save her first? Will it be you Roman since all the women want you or will it be you Dean, she looks like she would be into guys like you and lastly there is you Seth, how far would you go to save a loved one? Lets find out.

I placed my hand in front of the camera and started walking in front of her and woke her up that way the three could see her every expression then I focused the camera on her.

Bray: like I was saying before, which one of you are going to save her first?

I started laughing again as I handed the camera to one of the crew members while I got down on my knees in front of her and spread my arms opened as far as I could then looked up.

Bray: follow the buzzards!

The camera guy turned the camera off and I seen Jonathan sliding out ring and he immediately started running backstage and begun looking for us.

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