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After we got back to work, the Wyatt's continued their torment on Grace and me and the guys had enough, we would get our revenge on them in a few days and they would get a beating just like they beat Grace everyday that she was with them, I didn't believe in hitting a female and it pissed me off seeing the bruises on her arms and her back, I was glad that the bruises had finally went away. We were all at a little diner getting a bite to eat before we went to the next city, Grace was in the bathroom doing good knows what but I guess it's a girl thing. I seen her walking out of the bathroom and noticed that she wiped her mouth with a paper towel before she tossed it in the garbage can close to her then sat down next to Jon.

Joe: are you okay sweetie? You look sick or something.

Grace: yeah I will be fine, I think I just have a stomach bug or something.

Joe: are you hungry at all Grace?

Grace: yeah I am, have you guys ordered yet?

Joe: no we was waiting for you.

We finally ordered out food and it didn't take long for the waitress to bring it to us and we started eating, I couldn't help but notice that Grace finished before the rest of us, I didn't want to mention it while her brother an Jon was here but I would ask her about it as soon as I could get her alone long enough. We left the diner and headed straight to the Arena, I looked back at her and seen that she had fallen asleep with her head resting on her brother's shoulder and Jonathan was sitting up front next to me while I drove us to the arena.

Joe: so how was your vacation in California with Grace?

Jonathan: oh it was very nice, I loved it and she did too.

Joe: that's very nice, you two deserve a little alone time every once in awhile, just don't break her heart Jonathan.

Jonathan: geez what is with you and Colby thinking that I am going to hurt her? Sure I did it in the past but that doesn't mean that I will do it to her. I love Grace with all my heart and I thought my friends would be happy for me that I found the one girl that I want to spend the rest of my life with.

Colby: we are happy for you Jon and I know I may not like the idea that you're dating my baby sister but if she is happy being with you than that's all that matters, just don't cheat on her.

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