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I had a romantic night with Jonathan last night, he showed me his favorite place to eat when he was younger and had our first date there, it was nice not having to sneak around Colby's back anymore just to spend time with each other, we was back at the hotel and I sat on the edge of the bed watching Jonathan get his things ready before he had to leave and go to the arena in a little while, I wanted to go but I didn't want Colby getting mad at him for me tagging along.

Jonathan: get your things together because you are coming with me

Grace: what if Colby finds out? He is still pissed that me and you are dating, I don't want him to be angrier than what he already is baby so I will stay.

Jonathan: I really don't care what your brother says or does, you aren't a kid anymore Grace, you let me deal with that when the time comes babe.

I didn't want to argue with him so I got my things together and we left the hotel before Colby and Joe did and headed to the arena which was almost an hour away from the hotel. After we got there Jonathan snuck me inside so Stephanie or her husband didn't catch me come inside the building with Jonathan and we walked into his dressing room and he locked the door that way nobody walked in here without knocking.

Grace: so what is the plan, are you going to make me stay in here the entire time baby?

Jonathan: well yeah because I could get in trouble just by having you here which I really don't care. I want you to be with me wherever I go so do you.

Grace: yeah but don't you share a locker room with my brother and Joe?

Jonathan: I forgot about that. Damn it! I gotta hide you now, I'm sorry.

Grace: it's okay Jon...where can I hide?

I seen him look around before he showed me where to hide, I hid inside the place he had in mind and sat down before he closed the door, I heard him unlock the door and not long after I hid I heard Joe and my brother walking inside before he started talking to Jonathan about me.

Colby: I want to apologize for my anger towards you Jonathan, I just don't want you to break Grace's heart.

Jonathan: I would never hurt Grace, I love her alot and I'm not going to break up with her just cause you don't approve of us Colby, she is grown and can make her own decisions now.

Colby: I guess I overreacted when I shouldn't have, I will apologize to her later if she will talk to me again

Joe: you shouldn't wait to do that Colby, why don't you call her now?

Jonathan: no its best if you do it face to face, that way she knows that you really mean it and maybe you can have a day to yourselves on our next break.

Colby: you are right Jonathan, I will sit down and talk to her as soon as we get to the hotel in the next city, I just want her to be happy that's all.

Jonathan: she is very happy Colby.

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