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I gave Jonathan one last kiss before I left with the four men. I didn't know when I would see him and the other two again and it scared me, I felt my heart break while I walked away from him and felt a few tears roll down my face, I seen a huge RV sitting in the parking lot, I stopped for a second and watched the other three get on it, the tall muscular one stayed close to me just in case I decided to bail, which I wanted to but I didn't want them to hurt Jonathan or the other two. I looked up at the tall guy before I continued walking towards the RV then climbed up in it. I sat as far as I could away from them and watched them close, I looked in the back and seen a bed in the very back so I get up and went back there and locked the door, I had my phone in my pocket so I pulled it out and turned the volume down and started a group text with Joe, Jon, and Colby.

Grace: I am scared you guys

Colby: hang in there baby sis, it's going to be okay, it will be over soon.

Jonathan: Stephanie decided to add you into the storyline after you left, she already called Bray so do as he says babe, you're going to be fine I promise.

Joe: don't act scared around them kiddo, you're a fighter and this will all be over with before you know it and you will be back with us very soon.

Grace: okay...I love you all so much, I better go before one of them tears the door down and takes my phone, I will message you all later after they go to sleep.

Jonathan: okay babe, I love you so much.

Grace: I love you more Jonathan.

I slid my phone in my pocket and walked back out to where they were sitting at, I sat down back in the spot where I was before I walked away.

Bray: so now that we have you here, I want to know does the pretty girl have a name or do we have to guess it?

Grace: my name is Grace Lopez

Bray: Lopez huh, are you related to Colby Lopez?

Grace: yes, he is my older brother.

Bray: look guys we have Seth Rollins baby sister with us, this just gets better and better.

Grace: you know my name, what are your names?

Bray: well I'm Bray, the one with the red beard is Erick, this one is Luke and the one watching you is Braun. He hasn't been with us long either, he willingly joined just like you did. So answer me this my little Grace, what do you see in that guy you are dating?

Grace: he is very sweet and I love him

Bray: ha! You love him? love is just an emotion that is used to hide behind fear, the fear of losing a loved one.

Grace: okay that's enough with the riddles Bray, it's starting to get old.

I felt a sting on my face after I said that and Braun was standing in front of me with a serious look on his face.

Braun: never speak to him like that again, you silly little girl.

Bray: enough Braun, that is no way to treat your new sister.

I placed my hand up to my cheek and barely touched it when I felt a sharp pain, I removed my hand from it and looked over at Braun.

Bray: she doesn't know any better but she will once the preparation is complete, she still needs to be taught.

The rest of the ride was quiet, the guys finally went to sleep and I stayed awake so I could group text my brother and Jonathan

Grace: are one of you two awake?

Jonathan: Joe and Colby already fell asleep and I can't sleep because I'm worried about you baby, are you okay?

Grace: I'm okay but Braun has a hard slap, I think he bruised my face when he slapped me, I'm so scared baby...

Jonathan: He slapped you?! I will take care of him once I see him again.

Grace: please don't do anything stupid baby, they haven't realized that I have been talking to you guys since I have been with them, I hear someone coming I will text you tomorrow, try to get some sleep baby. I love you so much.

I turned my phone off before he text me back and slid it back in my pocket.

Braun: come on, we are here.

He placed me on his back and the guys walked off the RV and I seen an old building with a few bushes around it like it was meant to be hidden, it was still dark out but Bray lead the way there with his lantern.
After we walked inside I was placed in a chair and tied to it just like before except this time Jonathan wasn't here to save me from them this time.

Bray: ok Grace I will be saying some words and I want you to repeat everything I say.

He started talking and I repeated everything he said while the other three stood and watched, after that was done they performed a ceremonial ritual on me that required them to cut my hand a wipe the blood on a piece of paper that had a star that was in the middle of a circle then he burned it and I suddenly felt different than before, I felt like my body had been taken over by an unknown force. They untied my hands and Braun helped me stand up

Bray: Welcome to the family, we've been waiting for you Grace.

I gave him a creepy smile while we started walking out of the building. Braun had carried me back to the bus and bandaged my hand up then looked at my cheek that he slapped, I winced in pain when he grabbed me.

Braun: I'm sorry for slapping you.

Grace: it will heal in time. Thanks for bandaging up my hand Braun, you're sweet for doing that for me.

I looked him in the eyes and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek then walked to the fridge and looked for a bite to eat before we got to the arena.

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