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I woke up from a nightmare, I got out of bed and grabbed my room key before I headed to see if one of the guys was awake, I went to my brother's room first and didn't get him to come to the door and got the same result after I knocked on Joe's room door, that left one more boyfriend Jonathan, I walked over to the door and hesitated at first but decided not to bother him just in case he was asleep like the others. I started walking back to my room when I heard my name, I looked back over from where I was just standing at and I seen Jon standing there with just his pajama pants on, I walked back over to him and stopped in front of him while I waited for him to say something.

Jonathan: what are you doing up so late? Its 2:30, are you okay sweetie?

Grace: I had a nightmare and was hoping one of you three was awake, I can see that I woke you up so I will leave you alone and go back to my room.

Jonathan: you didn't wake me up, I was just about to come check on you anyway, do you want to go get some coffee and talk about your bad dream?

Grace: sure, let me get dressed and I will meet you in your room in a few.

I walked back into my room and locked the door then went to find something warm to wear since it was cold outside and we was in New York.

I walked back into my room and locked the door then went to find something warm to wear since it was cold outside and we was in New York

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