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I woke up early and got a shower before I went to get Grace so we could go to the gym like we used to, I grabbed my phone and the key card for the room and walked to her room and knocked on the door then seen it being opened up slowly before she appeared in front of me while she rubbed the sleep from her eyes.

Colby: hey sleepy head! Do you wanna go to the gym with me before we go to the next city?

Grace: yeah let me get dressed first.

I waited out in the hall way until she finished getting dressed for the gym.

A few minutes passed and I seen Jonathan walking out of his room and knocked on Joe's door, I looked back at the door to Grace's room and seen it open back up as she walked out of the room while holding her key and phone in her hand, she was walking beside me while we walked to the gym which was across the street from the hotel, I walked away from her and started lifting weights while she ran on the treadmill after she got off I seen her smiling while she was looking down at her phone. I got up and walked over to her before I sat down next to her.

Colby: hey Grace, what are you smiling about?

Grace: oh someone told me a funny joke.

Colby: okay well I'm going to finish working out before we leave the city.

Grace: wait Colby, I actually need to tell you something, come sit back down please this is really important to me.

Colby: what is it Grace?

Grace: promise that you won't be mad at me for what I'm about to tell you.

Colby: I promise that I won't get mad.

Grace: well me and Jon we---

She was about to finish what she was going to say when my phone rang, I got up and walked away from her...I hung up and was about to walk back over to her but she was gone. I walked back to the hotel and hoped she was there, I went to Joe's room and asked if he seen her but he hasn't so I walked to Jonathan's room and was about to knock on the door but noticed that the door was slightly opened and I heard her talking....

Grace: I tried to tell him but his phone rang, I will tell him once we get to the next hotel, I better go get my things ready before...I will see you later Jonathan.

Jonathan: okay, I got a rental car are you going to ride with me or Colby?

Grace: I think I will ride with Colby that way he won't suspect anything.

I walked to my room and acted like I just got back as I unlocked the door I seen her walk out of his room and straight into the room she stayed in.

my saving graceWhere stories live. Discover now