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I was sitting next to Jonathan on the plane while we waited for it to take off, we both got time off and decided on going to California and rent a beach house for two months before we went back home, we didn't live in the same state so we would spend as much time together as we could because I didn't get to see him much since he was on the road all the time, that was until Colby started letting me go on the road with him and his friends.

Jonathan: I can't wait until we get there, I needed a break from work.

Grace: yeah I know. You deserve a vacation, when was the last time you went on vacation anyways baby?

Jonathan: well there was that day I got injured but that only lasted for a week and a half but that didn't count...oh the last real vacation I had was the one that I went with you.

Grace: are you serious Jon? You need to try to get some more time off than what you guys are given, it's ridiculous.

Jonathan: I know but it's part of the job baby and I can't afford to have that many vacations but I'm going to enjoy every minute of this one since I'm spending it with my lovely lady.

Grace: you're so sweet baby and I love you.

Jonathan: I love you too Grace.

I felt him grab my hand as soon as the plane had finally took off, I fell asleep after the pilot told us that we could move around the plane, I rested my head on Jon's lap while he gently ran his fingers through my hair, he woke me up after the plane landed at an airport in California. We got to the beach house that we had rented and settled in before we went anywhere.

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